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Working Bedlingtons 2005

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One of mates beddy types ?

Pic of dig to a beddy type 

Tango mid 90's Dam of Yogi

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I take it you don't like Bedlington terriers foxbolter

bedlingtons are fine mate but you've got to keep them in mind to do a terriers job ie work below ground if they can't do that you may as well get a cocker or spanial to do your bushing work the hybrid as a lot more of a success story in the field that the kc animal sad but that's the hard facts atb
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Why specific the hight of a dog morton. A dog is governed where it can go by the girth of its chest it's long legs will tuck behind as you obviously know. and alun you did the same in your post why and I was talking of dogs of today in my first post not a dog of the 70s like am in the understanding now that there are no pure working beddys just the cart horses of today which couldn't get up a 12" pipe and as for catching squatting hares on a more my mates partially blind 12 yearold spaniel caught one squatting in a forest fact. And big alun if you are stupid enough to leave a man put a dog in behind urs then I class you as a clown there will be no more further comments from me regarding this topic good luck with the shows

Enlighten me on when i have spoke about letting a man put a dog in behind mine? As for being stupid i would think opening up a slagging match with shite facts is more clown like and just makes me think you are another bellend troll !

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Bolted foxes without getting bit fact does that make it a legend and you say a terrier man entered another terrier where was you to stop him I just can't believe half I read

Doesnt sound like any thing i have written or would post , enlighten me as you profess to know more than me about it? Or are you trolling for a bitching fest?

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I keep my self to myself when working dogs are concerned, dont do bigus dickus as like i said been doing this since mid 70s and still work them not as hard now. One show i go to is the Pelena and stay the night to chew the hound fat with lads with out egos and lads that travel from oop north. I think i have moved enough earth in my time to allow me access to the terriers and give the odd comment i would quit now laddy as you are coming across as a bit silly.

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Morton in a recent post you say all your terriers are bred with earth work in mind,then in the same post you also say that yours are bred to bolt fox and that you actually passed on a couple that became digging dogs.Not picking or anything but in my eyes an earth dog is a terrier that stays the distance no matter what the conditions may be,not just a bolter,just curious or do your terriers stay until dug if a bolt does not occur,also good to see a different breed apart from the usual doing the buisness.

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You must know me and what dogs i keep personally buy that statement , i will go and give my head a shake for being a very silly boy for commenting on some thing i known nowt about!

whatever who knows who the bedlington as a working terrier is as hard to find as rocking horse shit but there's plenty of good hybrids bred the [BANNED TEXT] size for a terriers job and that's earth work and the lads the lads that keep them got there own little circle to keep them alive people call them what they like but most are not bedlingtons there cross breds atb
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theres a good read by Lyn Harber in the CMW this week about the history of the patterdale and the infusion of bedlington blood to create this small hard dog it states the ullswater huntsman wouldnt use bedlingtons as they were to hard and killed the foxes .


so in the real world whats a pure bedlington ? IMO there is no such dog there all hybrids but some breed to type

Edited by TOPPER
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theres a good read by Lyn Harber in the CMW this week about the history of the patterdale and the infusion of bedlington blood to create this small hard dog it states the ullswater huntsman wouldnt use bedlingtons as they were to hard and killed the foxes .so in the real world whats a pure bedlington ? IMO there is no such dog there all hybrids but some breed to type

totally agree with that quote these patterdales have come from somewhere and I'm sure the northern terriers had a big impact in producing them the big so called bedlingtons you see around today are throw backs to gypsy type lurchers mute good for poaching they must have put whippet blood in the mix for speed bedlington terriers should be around 15 tts but you see some a lot bigger and real heavy types atb
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