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Working Bedlingtons 2005

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One of mates beddy types ?

Pic of dig to a beddy type 

Tango mid 90's Dam of Yogi

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I dont think you can fault the beddy dog in the video the owners obviously didnt have a clue too many dogs shovels and doughnuts on that dig . Atb

That beddy dog was crap,no ifs or buts about it,he was not fit to be dug single hasnded thats why there was more terriers in attendence.He was not even fit to draw the fox even with help so how on earth can you say he cant be faulted.I have seen the little lakey type bitch dug and she was good enough,what went on that day with them was a shambles imho.

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I dont think you can fault the beddy dog in the video the owners obviously didnt have a clue too many dogs shovels and doughnuts on that dig . Atb

A man once said to me there are not a lot of good terriers about and I replied theres far less good terrier men

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lol no way is that the rambo dog what I've heard about in high regard so many times.... i watched the video the other week and heard him saying rambo.. i wonderd to my self if this was 'the' dog.. then thought to my self nooo it can't be its a load of shite ...... funny old world eh... and just to add if thats how the old lads conducted them selves around a dig with a camera then no wonder hunting was banned... thats not terrier work no wonder people with no insight into real terrier work see videos like that and are instantly turned against it and tarr everyone with the same brush :thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown:

To See one video of nuggets working their terriers is not a representation of how the majority of terrier lads graft and conduct themselves,the hunting ban came about because of ignorance and a prejudice of hunting and hunters,whatever persuasion or level of expertise the hunting was conducted under.The Bedlington is,at times,seen as the easy target in search for poor hunting practice from second rate hunters and 3rd rate jukels,the facts are the Bedlington suffers possibly less from the fools and nuggets than some more recognised breeds,possibly because there are less of them,the terrier world is awash with half-bred half-wits,if you have not met many of them by now you may have been in the game for less than this winter.The Bedlington as more than its fair share of ego,s,many of them more interested in the financial side of the breed,to the detriment of breeding towards type and working character.For every decent bred Bedlington there will be many,many,many,many more bred to aid the bank balance and ego,s that have crept into the breed,alas the Bedlington does not have a monopoly here.

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Both the bitch pups sire and dam work to ground the sire was a foxing dog only doesnt know what a rat or rabbit looks like . The dam i owned and she was worked to fox week in week doing vermin drives as part of a gun pack for farmers and keepers and does her fare turn in the ground .

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