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Working Bedlingtons 2005

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As i have already stated the pup it a pet for my 2 young kids and to do bits with why did i need to source a well breed beddy from tested dogs for the kids there would be no reason to for one they dont need a pup from tested dogs and i wouldnt want to get them a pup from grafting dogs for it to not be worked to full potential as it will be there dog which they have already got very attached to

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One of mates beddy types ?

Pic of dig to a beddy type 

Tango mid 90's Dam of Yogi

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Hello Morton,id buy a good bedlington btch aswell as a border,got the space,time,and the money to have both,not being a smart aRSE,(THAT AINT ME,) BIG MOUTHED,LOUD AND KEEP ONLY TOP NOTCH DOGS(MY OPINION) but welcome to judge for your self,i work lakey bitches,(won shows out right beating dogs)own bul x bitches,same again and her offspring aswell,borders from top lines aswell but getting thin on ground,i work a rocky spot so a bedlington worth a shot,so if anything out there wanting abit of work (still your dog thou) give me a shout,never thought of a bedlington,I need a dog with cchin hair,,

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At the end of the day the pup is for the fellas two little lads so breeding I would thing isn't a massive concern .

As it for the two lads taking a pup from working breeding could find the fella sat out side an earth for a couple of hours with the little uns in all sorts of weather not what you want when trying the get them interested in the hunting field

good luck with the pup I'm sure the kids will have plenty of good times with it ATB RT

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There are a fair few working bedlingtons about, if you limit your knowledge to what you read on the internet forums then more fool you, a lot of people with genuine working dogs have no interest in chatting on the internet so they are out there just not on here. As Brock Dog has said the pup is for his kids and it comes from rabbiting parents, that in itself means they are being used in the field and have a hunting interest, I think he's made a good choice. atb Roy

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  • 3 months later...

beddy x fell , beddy fell x beddy, beddy fell beddy x beddy father to daughter mating. Hope this makes sense. Sensible size beddy types that aren't scared of the dark and will work all legal quarry is what were after

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beddy x fell , beddy fell x beddy, beddy fell beddy x beddy father to daughter mating. Hope this makes sense. Sensible size beddy types that aren't scared of the dark and will work all legal quarry is what were after

Coming along nicely SK,proper Beddy,s bred for graft,how novel is that idea now?.For every 100 litters of Bedlingtons bred there will possibly be 1 litter out of them worth owning a dog from,the few diehards in the breed have a thankless task at times,especially when a forum set up to promote the working element of the breed cannot muster a member to take on a decent bred surplus good un.Onwards now with a full kennel SK.

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Agree mate is unbelievable , although 3 pups are fun I still need find a suitable home for last remaining dog pup, I've had 3 offers but none of them suitable.

Ill wait until you,ve run it on into its second season then ask for it :D ,seriously i cannot for the life of me comprehend how a mutt bred like that struggles to find a proper and genuine owner and kennel,especially with the vast,vast amount of dross thats bred and sold for considerable sums of money,Bedlingtons that have nothing in their working background apart from winning ribbons and chasing the odd rodent about.A few terrier lads now are beginning to realise the potential that the Beddy offers,its often the case that these lads are lumbered by the lies and ego,s prevalent in the Beddy world and end up with a 3rd rate jukel because of it,then 2 years wasted on a failure.Hopefully a genuine sort,we know how rare they are,will give you a shout and then aid and assist with the establishment of the Bedlington as a genuine contender in the working terrier game once more,we need them.

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Agree mate is unbelievable , although 3 pups are fun I still need find a suitable home for last remaining dog pup, I've had 3 offers but none of them suitable.

Ill wait until you,ve run it on into its second season then ask for it :D ,seriously i cannot for the life of me comprehend how a mutt bred like that struggles to find a proper and genuine owner and kennel,especially with the vast,vast amount of dross thats bred and sold for considerable sums of money,Bedlingtons that have nothing in their working background apart from winning ribbons and chasing the odd rodent about.A few terrier lads now are beginning to realise the potential that the Beddy offers,its often the case that these lads are lumbered by the lies and ego,s prevalent in the Beddy world and end up with a 3rd rate jukel because of it,then 2 years wasted on a failure.Hopefully a genuine sort,we know how rare they are,will give you a shout and then aid and assist with the establishment of the Bedlington as a genuine contender in the working terrier game once more,we need them.


got to agree with you morton hope the last pup goes to a good working home,with senseble digging owners atb mc

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