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Working Bedlingtons 2005

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One of mates beddy types ?

Pic of dig to a beddy type 

Tango mid 90's Dam of Yogi

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Ive a few Beddys that see a little work,a couple of Beddy/Fells coming along nicely,not one of them is mute,especially to the point of madness.The Bedlington seems to have acquired a rep,of old,as a bold mute slayer.The location the original Beddy was bred in and the sorts of holding spots this dog would be required to work would have made for an hard mute dog being a bit of a liability,at times,especially amongst the lads who wanted a bolted fox and more especially from places that this area holds that cannot be dug.As with all terriers,hard mute pups would have cropped up at times,many of them would most certainly have found some work,when that type was needed,the rest of the time an honest bayer and bolter would have been the preffered choice.I don,t see much substance in the Beddy myth of hard and mute,when a baying bolter would have suited the area and terriermen better,well some of them.

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Great to see the Bedlington stil being worked, had a bitch but passed away, tryed to get another but got 3 but never made the grade, passed on 2 good homes, on less [NO TEXT TALK] on here has pups from workin parents or know of any, would be very interested on gettin another for cover work and ground work, if [NO TEXT TALK] could help, cheers!!!!!

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Ranger,any Bedlington will work on top if given the opportunity,dogs that will work above and below,to a working terrier standard,are rare,sadly the Bedlington attracts to many that see it as an earner,breeding litters of dross to accomadate a gullible market,think hard before looking for a Beddy,there are more reliable and cheaper terrier options,source a decent bred un and you will never want anything else though.

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Wel at the moment I own a Lakeland dog hunts very well over ground and works to ground also, just the Bedlington I had I like and thought I might try another if I could get the right stuff, there seems to be a lot about but like u said money more so then work!

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