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Working Bedlingtons 2005

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One of mates beddy types ?

Pic of dig to a beddy type 

Tango mid 90's Dam of Yogi

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ted wasnt a pure bedlington :whistling:



Is that very important?

More people concerned about keeping sh*t pure rather than keeping it working is what finishes it for working dogs.

:thumbs: there's plenty of 'pure' shyte out there, pretending to be bedlingtons...

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it would be a lot easier to go out and get a black dog,lakie or russle type dogs and stand a very increased chance of getting a worker but its the challenge of getting/finding a decent beddie that has kept me with them.ive owned a couple so cant complain and never felt the need to try another breed.

so will keep with the poodles ive got.


There,s a lot of rubbish about with all breeds,especially Blacks,Lakeys and Russels As with these breeds and Bedlingtons if you look hard enough and are willing to wait you will find one.

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to much of a dog for you Rod you stick to your lapdogs


dont see me poncing around shows hunting rossettes with mine Roger :whistling:


And mine work to ground when i invite people out and dont sit in the box..


now,now.dont get spitefull :victory:


P.S, the offer has always been for you to pop up and show me your terriers work,its still there,just hope the black stuff doesnt put you off over your poodles :whistling:

i hope this is just friendly banter if not show some decorum man!tops has just lost his best dog ffs


known roger a few years and yes its friendly banter..


he knows the line i work and the man who has the line keeps no crap and has also just lost one of his best after a 5 hour stint ;)

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