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Working Bedlingtons 2005

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One of mates beddy types ?

Pic of dig to a beddy type 

Tango mid 90's Dam of Yogi

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sj you cant win them all mate , so far my plans are going well with the young dogs started well and ted the old faithfull showing them the way it is we now have son of ted here so fingers crossed he will be as good as his sire

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The good old Bedlington seems doomed to fail on a number of fronts.

There aren't enough people working them, and there are precious few good ones out there. (chicken and egg situation)!

SJ, you seem to have been haunted by what you call "spooky " temprements, but the truth is that this is an unfortunate trait in a lot of Bedlingtons.

The inconsistancy in substance will always be a problem as most dogs seem too "strong" for earth work while most bitches seem so lightweight and shelly that they are scarcely worth bothering with.

And all this is happening alongside the countless litters every year bred from very very average and not very game "mooching" stock.

I've always said that an F1 hybrid Bedlington x Lakeland is a much more viable proposition for ALL types of work, but still people are banging on about Border crosses and Glen of Immal crosses, all very romantic, but what's the point?

Depressing, utterly depressing.


When are you planning on having another litter out of Milly? And who is the mystery sire?

Edited by david2363
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The good old Bedlington seems doomed to fail on a number of fronts.

There aren't enough people working them, and there are precious few good ones out there. (chicken and egg situation)!

SJ, you seem to have been haunted by what you call "spooky " temprements, but the truth is that this is an unfortunate trait in a lot of Bedlingtons.

The inconsistancy in substance will always be a problem as most dogs seem too "strong" for earth work while most bitches seem so lightweight and shelly that they are scarcely worth bothering with.

And all this is happening alongside the countless litters every year bred from very very average and not very game "mooching" stock.

I've always said that an F1 hybrid Bedlington x Lakeland is a much more viable proposition for ALL types of work, but still people are banging on about Border crosses and Glen of Immal crosses, all very romantic, but what's the point?

Depressing, utterly depressing.


When are you planning on having another litter out of Milly? And who is the mystery sire?

they were more than spooky, downright afraid of their own shadows... lion on leads scenario!!


I don't have a planned mating for Milly, but I've told the chap that's got her with him, to breed with whatever he thinks is a viable propostion, he's bound to have more luck than I have..


I took myself of WBF for exactly the reason you have stated above, too many mooching dogs, gutless overnight wonders being praised and bred from.. not my cup of tea !!


I have a bitch here out of Milly, not a bedlington sire, none of the traits of the bedlington, got all Milly's traits in as much as she's not afraid of the dark and wants to do a bit, in fact it's 100 mile an hour, when she's done a couple of seasons I might look to find a good bedlington dog to put over her.. OR !!! :icon_eek:


So I've got a couple of years (again) to find a good 'working' dog !! :thumbs:

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Right then!!


Working Bedlingtons !!


I started this topic in 2005 in the hope to find some top class working bedlingtons that will go to ground and do some 'proper work'.. :whistling: It's been emotional..


Over the last few years I have met, chatted to via email, pm's, phone calls etc some genuine lads that have the bedlington (as a worker)at the forefront of their breeding plans, real working bedlingtons that can do a day's graft... to these I take my hat off, you know who you are...


Me personally have failed in my attempt to breed and keep anything that I would class a good digging dog, tbh most of what I have kept has been shyte, breeding to close and producing inferior dogs with no substance and no backbone, with my latest efforts producing a bitch that not only was undersized and mishapen, had a fluxating patella, was evil in as much that it wanted to kill anything including litter of pups and other terriers, her litter brother that I also kept was afraid of his own shadow and of holes in the ground...


Milly had to be retired back up in Wales due to circumstances beyond my control, long story best not discussed on an open forum, anyway she's with a fellow bedlington enthusiast and maybe, just maybe he will have better luck in finding a suitable dog that MAYBE might throw some workers...


so the long and the short of it, I don't have a bedlington terrier here at the moment, it's been a long time since I was able to say that, I know for a litter in the making out of a sound bitch, bred to a dog that apparently 'works' maybe one of the lads on here can inform me how good the dog is ?? I've seen the bitch work so I know that side of it...


Anyway I digress, to all of you with Bedlingtons out there good luck in your plans, perhaps some of you would like to post on here what your expectations and plans are ??


try not to keep it all a secret and post it on the WBF site, post some snippets on here... for us all to see..




What a refreshing post if somewhat depressing good to hear some honesty instead of the normal dug fifteen foot to ten foxes with my super dog.

Anyway thought Id share my best mate with You this is Jinx

post-5621-062295000 1277328552_thumb.jpg

Plus Points tremendous nose courage of a lion tremendous around other dogs and kids will work anything

Negative points When she is on a scent You could hit her over the head with a brick and she would still go on no recall nail a chicken or cat for fun if You let her I do a lot of farms with my pest control work she comes with me You got to watch her like a hawk

post-5621-055571500 1277328641_thumb.jpg

I dont know how many rats she has killed and she will go to ground no problem

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Right then!!


Working Bedlingtons !!


I started this topic in 2005 in the hope to find some top class working bedlingtons that will go to ground and do some 'proper work'.. :whistling: It's been emotional..


Over the last few years I have met, chatted to via email, pm's, phone calls etc some genuine lads that have the bedlington (as a worker)at the forefront of their breeding plans, real working bedlingtons that can do a day's graft... to these I take my hat off, you know who you are...


Me personally have failed in my attempt to breed and keep anything that I would class a good digging dog, tbh most of what I have kept has been shyte, breeding to close and producing inferior dogs with no substance and no backbone, with my latest efforts producing a bitch that not only was undersized and mishapen, had a fluxating patella, was evil in as much that it wanted to kill anything including litter of pups and other terriers, her litter brother that I also kept was afraid of his own shadow and of holes in the ground...


Milly had to be retired back up in Wales due to circumstances beyond my control, long story best not discussed on an open forum, anyway she's with a fellow bedlington enthusiast and maybe, just maybe he will have better luck in finding a suitable dog that MAYBE might throw some workers...


so the long and the short of it, I don't have a bedlington terrier here at the moment, it's been a long time since I was able to say that, I know for a litter in the making out of a sound bitch, bred to a dog that apparently 'works' maybe one of the lads on here can inform me how good the dog is ?? I've seen the bitch work so I know that side of it...


Anyway I digress, to all of you with Bedlingtons out there good luck in your plans, perhaps some of you would like to post on here what your expectations and plans are ??


try not to keep it all a secret and post it on the WBF site, post some snippets on here... for us all to see..




What a refreshing post if somewhat depressing good to hear some honesty instead of the normal dug fifteen foot to ten foxes with my super dog.

Anyway thought Id share my best mate with You this is Jinx

post-5621-062295000 1277328552_thumb.jpg

Plus Points tremendous nose courage of a lion tremendous around other dogs and kids will work anything

Negative points When she is on a scent You could hit her over the head with a brick and she would still go on no recall nail a chicken or cat for fun if You let her I do a lot of farms with my pest control work she comes with me You got to watch her like a hawk

post-5621-055571500 1277328641_thumb.jpg

I dont know how many rats she has killed and she will go to ground no problem

how big and what weight is Jinx ??

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David,not everyone agrees that the Bedlington x Lakeland is the best for work.Those who don't keep Lakeland crosses could just as easily ask "What's the point?"

Edited by blew
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  • 1 month later...

David,not everyone agrees that the Bedlington x Lakeland is the best for work.Those who don't keep Lakeland crosses could just as easily ask "What's the point?"

I'm sure they would Blew, and most probably would.

I can only go from personal experience, and I guess that also never having seen a truly great working Border, I'm biased towards the Lakies.

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i totally agree with dave on this as its hard enough to find a good working border but a dam site easier to find a working lakie/fell and i for one like the lakie x beddie ive seen a fair few beddie/borders but ive never seen a good earthdog from this mix there ok bushing dogs .



the trouble is theres not enough people out there testing there beddys to the full there mostly bushing dogs and people are to quick to breed crap or average beddies to crap average bitches if you have a good beddie bitch and want pups from her surely you owe it to yourself and the bitch to find the best of the best dog to put over her , just my opinon

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alright mate, still got your fella here, its make or break for him this season, not a dog to fill you full of confidence, though he does seem to have outgrew that spookyness lark and he's certainly not afraid of his own shadow. i'll keep you informed either way mate. thats him with one of Topper's pups.



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