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Working Bedlingtons 2005

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One of mates beddy types ?

Pic of dig to a beddy type 

Tango mid 90's Dam of Yogi

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Daz, the farm we were on, saw the owner thursday night, she wants some more thinning out, also have another place I am working on, a few rabbits there and a nice bit of secluded wood that may have all sorts ;) three boar were shot there last winter also and its right near :) , last year a lot were shot (coypu), so once I get the OK ill have a look. Any news on the trials. See ya soon. Could do with a special delivery aswell :blink: LOL


Hey Waz, surely it would have been better to PM Dazz ? anyway good luck!

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Some pics I took this morning whilst out 'exercising'.

Nothing to interesting, I'm waiting for all you Bedlington owners to post your pics so I though I'd keep the thread going, just topped the 4000 viewings so there must be some interest out there ?

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Guest Reynard

Nice bedlington topic lads, lets keep it up, my own beddy is probably 98% rillington and starting hunt for himself, instead of acting about, hope to do something with him this winter.



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Hey Waz, surely it would have been better to PM Dazz ? anyway good luck!


Why? For me this is what this site is about, getting together and getting out for a hunt or 2, between us we have some beddies. Hence the photos and the crack.


Anyway,,, What age are you bedlingtons entering SwannyJack?


O'k Waz, I didn't mean it like that...... ur special package bit I was talking about.

Most of my Bedlingtons have entered around the 12-14 month age some a lot earlier. All have been worked from an earlier age seeing what it's all about, the two youngsters I have now Jack and Milly have yet to see some real earth work mainly down to the fact it's early in the year. I'll keep you posted as I believe better things are to come....

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Out this morning at 7:30 back at 10:30 giving them a bit of exercise, quite a few about.

Scrawny little cub seemed a bit underweight and small for this time of year probably wouldn't have made it through the winter, so having to look after these game birds and only using two dogs to flush he was shot, by a competent person..

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Guest bedlington
hi bedlinton

i would like to ask you the same about ziggy what breeding line and how tall is she

she looks the spit of of the mother of my beddy


all the best welshdragon

Hi Welsh Dragon, Ziggys a dog he can handle the poodle bit but call him a bitch an he gets nasty. He stands about 18 at the shoulders and hhis daddy is Seldommarsh The Tyke and Grandaddy the Maverick of Minkstone so i would say the granitor line. Ill post pic of his dad later





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