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Working Bedlingtons 2005

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Only one thing that matters to me with bedlingtons and thats work what iv got in my kennals goes back to M.E and S.Js stuff with one bitch heavely bred to the old stuff and they serve me well and have open the eyes of many folk and have earned the respect of afew huntsmen and terrier lads . The only problem infront of me is the lack of proven dog to serve decent bitches i know of afew young dogs coming through but time will tell . It was only this week i read a on a site with someone offering a bedlington at stud . Regaurd less to whether its a bedlington or any other type/breed of terrier i was told by my father a good dog doesnt need advertising as if hes any good in the field then hes advertising himself and people will hear of it through word of mouth .ATB RT

Coco you fancy a day or two out over christmas .

true words there rt yes mate give me a ring and well sort something out day time or lamp up to you mate atb
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Only one thing that matters to me with bedlingtons and thats work what iv got in my kennals goes back to M.E and S.Js stuff with one bitch heavely bred to the old stuff and they serve me well and have open the eyes of many folk and have earned the respect of afew huntsmen and terrier lads . The only problem infront of me is the lack of proven dog to serve decent bitches i know of afew young dogs coming through but time will tell . It was only this week i read a on a site with someone offering a bedlington at stud . Regaurd less to whether its a bedlington or any other type/breed of terrier i was told by my father a good dog doesnt need advertising as if hes any good in the field then hes advertising himself and people will hear of it through word of mouth .ATB RT


Coco you fancy a day or two out over christmas .

As the Beddy Working gene pool is not especially abundant with PROVEN grafters that are known to more than a select few,then any PROPER UNS do need to be brought to the attention of a wider audience,as you may possibly know the dog at stud is a better representation of the breed than much of the nonsense now bred that may be far purer and far less Bedlington,in type and working character,type and working character will better represent the words "Working Bedlington" than much that attempts to occupy the Beddy throne now.What is a better option RT a Beddy at stud that commands a large stud fee and produces culls or a FREE line,to proven bitches that are bred for the same reason,"working Bedlington terriers".A good terrier advertising himself is poetic nonsense at these times now,unless you are in the circuit,as many a lad and lass are not,any honest assistance coming their way may be appreciated,nurtured and valued,then passed on as it was passed to them,with the same honest intention.

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Way too much bitching which ruined a good forum, backstabbing ended some good lads not bothering to communicate and just close shop and do their own thing My opinion! I still keep beddies and will always keep them! A Granitor dog was used on last litter to drop size improve coat a bit but keep strong bone heads.

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Way too much bitching which ruined a good forum, backstabbing ended some good lads not bothering to communicate and just close shop and do their own thing My opinion! I still keep beddies and will always keep them! A Granitor dog was used on last litter to drop size improve coat a bit but keep strong bone heads.

True Alun,i don,t rate Granitor dogs,i work mine below,ive never worked all Granitors bred,you used one to drop size,yet ive seen big Granitors,as you are one of the most honest of sorts we can agree to disagree and still find agreement.Its like a bag of liqourish allsorts,there is one in the bag to suit all,at times.How you keeping Alun?.

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Im fine thanks mate, getting older and wiser just keep too our selves in our group.The granitor dog came off JH right size 14 1/2" strong stamp works well, bitch 16" a harder worker as all out of that litter, kept a dog back 10mnth likes a tussle! Can see the difference in coat and size maybe in 20yr will get it nearly right!

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Im fine thanks mate, getting older and wiser just keep too our selves in our group.The granitor dog came off JH right size 14 1/2" strong stamp works well, bitch 16" a harder worker as all out of that litter, kept a dog back 10mnth likes a tussle! Can see the difference in coat and size maybe in 20yr will get it nearly right!

I wish i could become older and wiser,it must be a Welsh trait Alun.20 years ago we wanted to get "It Right" with Bedlingtons," 20 years earlier they made the same mistakes,twenty years earlier than that the same mistakes where still made because of fecking ego,s and chancers.If there where only 7 people left to further the Beddy cause with some semblance of honest intent i believe me and you would be in the top 5 with SK and me and you again,id be first though :whistling: /

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Alan not knocking you mate each to their own obviously you like the breed for whatever reason and let me say I kind of like the look of the dog but sorry I just can't see what use they could be without another dog being better suited like bushing let's face it a spaniel would be far better suited and for ground work let's face it most are far too big what ever quarry they will be used for if you want a earth dog you couldn't argue that something different would be better suited but I repeat I'm not knocking you keep what you like maybe you could be honest with me and tell me why you keep them

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Alan not knocking you mate each to their own obviously you like the breed for whatever reason and let me say I kind of like the look of the dog but sorry I just can't see what use they could be without another dog being better suited like bushing let's face it a spaniel would be far better suited and for ground work let's face it most are far too big what ever quarry they will be used for if you want a earth dog you couldn't argue that something different would be better suited but I repeat I'm not knocking you keep what you like maybe you could be honest with me and tell me why you keep them

I must have been doing something wrong for over 3 decades,ive worked mine above and below to a standard better than the average Spaniel,hound or terrier,fact.Ive worked ground and flushed and bolted "STUFF" that another man would have needed 3 dogs to do the same,ive done it with 1 terrier,ive worked land that no dog could have possibly done on their own,many have tried,ive caught stuff that no other busher could have connected with,grouse,pheasant,partridge,rabbit,rat,fox and roe,then rabbit and hare,this bitch caught 3 hares off their seat on a moor in 1 afternoon,again fact,then bolted more fox than she should of and never got bit,again fact,i retired her at 9 years of age because of an experienced terrierman that pushed her to a fox behind another terrier,twat,she lost half her jaw and nose and still got the job done,i retired her the day after and never went out with him again,when people knock Bedlingtons i remember this fat cow in retirement at my wifes bedside and the days she gave me that no other terrier,busher could,then nuggets ask,"why keep them",its easy to answer,"why keep anything else",then they ask why I keep Beddys.Just to add,the only time ive ever cried with a terrier and the injury incurred was with this little grey bitch,i could see daylight with in her nostril and jaw,i washed her down and stitched her inner plate back into her jaw,she never murmured,i pushed her jaw and bottom plate back in position and held it with stitches that had to be screwed through bone,muscle and flesh,she never made a muff,3 weeks later you could not tell,she lost her sense of smell and still snurks through her nose,the hardest,gamest,best terrier ive ever owned or worked with and ive seen some proper uns,why keep Beddy,s,because of her.

Edited by morton
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I keep them because i have done the walking to a earth with my black and tans on the leads enter dig walk to next , im 55 now and done a few breakfasts down drefach cafe with Tish serving as a young lad mid 70s till it got to on top early 80s!! Times have changed for me and i prefer and find more in cover to the gun and lurcher and 2 beddys and 1 on a lead,my job i have to be to the letter of the law. I love the breeds temperament and a spaniel hasnt the grunt to finish the job if caught short in cover! My first lurcher was a beddy grey 1974 and always wanted a fullish beddy and will not go back hooked like a crack whore but they are not for the fickle, as are head strong and quite high maintenance.

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I keep them because i have done the walking to a earth with my black and tans on the leads enter dig walk to next , im 55 now and done a few breakfasts down drefach cafe with Tish serving as a young lad mid 70s till it got to on top early 80s!! Times have changed for me and i prefer and find more in cover to the gun and lurcher and 2 beddys and 1 on a lead,my job i have to be to the letter of the law. I love the breeds temperament and a spaniel hasnt the grunt to finish the job if caught short in cover! My first lurcher was a beddy grey 1974 and always wanted a fullish beddy and will not go back hooked like a crack whore but they are not for the fickle, as are head strong and quite high maintenance.

At the side of you i look younger mush,if we have to tell them then we should not,yet if me and you don,t mush who will,if anybody wants to know about Beddys ask me or Alun,if anybody wants an honest soul with no gripes ask Alun.If they want an argument ask me.

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There is much more experienced lads than me, i still hunt with the guy who had a pup out of the beddyX litter i had my first pup out of 1974 who has done a lot more than me who now has like me a kennel full of same line beddy or crosses as we are well kennel blind lol! Dont take your selves or dogs too seriously just work them enjoy them but be honest about it!!

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Fare enough mate I must have only seen big Bedlington I never saw the bitch your talking about but has the size of the Bedlington gone bigger from the 70s the one I see today I honesty would never think they would get on in most places I have dug without making hard work of things

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Fare enough mate I must have only seen big Bedlington I never saw the bitch your talking about but has the size of the Bedlington gone bigger from the 70s the one I see today I honesty would never think they would get on in most places I have dug without making hard work of things

most are bedlington hybrids that people keep for any type of work these days mate the kc bedlingtons are very rare indeed it is a shame about the size but many many years ago we don't know what people have put in them If you got big bedlington hybrids I guess something was put in generations earlier ie whippet blood for one there are some very good bedlington hybrid working below ground but you got to do your homework on the line there bred from there's some good ones bred out of crap so be aware atb
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Fare enough mate I must have only seen big Bedlington I never saw the bitch your talking about but has the size of the Bedlington gone bigger from the 70s the one I see today I honesty would never think they would get on in most places I have dug without making hard work of things

All my Bedlingtons are bred with earth work in mind,the biggest un ive owned was a 15" dog that weighed about 14lb,mine are usually 14" dogs and 13" bitches,Many Bedlingtons,are far to big and heavy to fit,id never breed from such as i want them to bush and enter to fox below.Bedlingtons have always been higher on the leg than the average terrier and there as always been the big-uns about throughout their history.Ive possibly been fortunate that mine throw to a working type,the Fell infusion certainly assists that,the Beddy gene is so dominant it only takes a couple of generations to breed back to type,it possibly helps that the Fell as Bedlington ancestry.Mine work a lot of rocks and get the job done,some lads on here dig regularly to their Beddys,mine are bred to bolt and ive let a couple go that ended up as digging dogs.They are the most versatile of terrier and are wasted worked off a leash,the facts are though that genuine ones are like hens teeth.

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Why specific the hight of a dog morton. A dog is governed where it can go by the girth of its chest it's long legs will tuck behind as you obviously know. and alun you did the same in your post why and I was talking of dogs of today in my first post not a dog of the 70s like am in the understanding now that there are no pure working beddys just the cart horses of today which couldn't get up a 12" pipe and as for catching squatting hares on a more my mates partially blind 12 yearold spaniel caught one squatting in a forest fact. And big alun if you are stupid enough to leave a man put a dog in behind urs then I class you as a clown there will be no more further comments from me regarding this topic good luck with the shows

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