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Working Bedlingtons 2005

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One of mates beddy types ?

Pic of dig to a beddy type 

Tango mid 90's Dam of Yogi

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Young dog got a kennel to go to and is awaiting collection . Thanks the lads that showed an interest and prepared to take the young fella thanks again ATB RT

glad you found a home for him I'm sure he will do the new owner proud given time atb Edited by coco
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Anyone looking or interested in taking on a young bedlington hybrid/type dog worker to worker bred pm me if interested cheers ATB RT
that's the trouble lads they bang on about there so called working bedlingtons they're all hybrids whatever percentage of fell/ border or Lakeland blood in them and whatever they look like


Anyone looking or interested in taking on a young bedlington hybrid/type dog worker to worker bred pm me if interested cheers ATB RT[/quote. That's correct lads there all hybrids there all crossbreds however you look at it people forget when there putting there so called working bedlingtons over running dogs ie whippets /greyhounds do they mention the fell / border/ Lakeland in the make up of there so called working bedlington in the sales add breed what's right for you first and foremost atb dai
All terriers are hybrid,fact,if they breed to type over many generations and graft then they are working terriers of a certain type.There is not a Lakey or Black terrier in the country that does not have Bedlington granitorheritage.Hybrid terriers soon become,Borders,Lakey,s etc. etc.,as soon as Beddy hybrids are mentioned as a working type people seek issue with that fact.If it breeds to type,works as a terrier should then its a working type,no matter its history,the best working Bedlingtons about now,that are a truer reflection of history and type are hybrids,any decent working Fell,Lakey,Russel or Black owns hybrid heritage.The majority of Beddys used in lurcher production are KC,more pure than their hybrid cousins,plus generations away from ever seeing graft.
correct there's very few kc animals seeing any sort of work without seeing earth work and there are some bedlington hybrids producing bedlington blooded running dogs atb

There are a few genuine grafting Bedlingtons that are lurcher sire and dams,the reason there are more KC beddys in the mix is because genuine working terriers are often far smaller and would produce far smaller lurchers,the much taller beddy sires,KC, are better suited to throwing the size people seek,their lack of graft is covered by hybrid vigour in the progeny,id not breed hoping for hybrid vigour,or dollar,dollar is the biggest threat to any working terrier,especially Bedlingtons.
granitor bedlingtons are kc reg small types but produce half decent lurchers so they tell me and wasn't the heartbreak kennels based on those granitor bedlingtons I think when you put hybrid bedlingtons into running dogs you are really opening a can of worms atb


Granitor Bedlingtons are as honest as their pedigree,alas the majority of Granitor pedigrees don,t reflect whats in the breeding.

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Have you any proof about the pedigree of granitor bedlingtons or is it just another opinion formed by you, sat in a dark shed playing with your cock and in that moment of dribbling the best part of you down your leg another gem comes from those shit stained fingers while trying to ruin someone or something with no credible proof what so ever so come on lets here it

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Have you any proof about the pedigree of granitor bedlingtons or is it just another opinion formed by you, sat in a dark shed playing with your cock and in that moment of dribbling the best part of you down your leg another gem comes from those shit stained fingers while trying to ruin someone or something with no credible proof what so ever so come on lets here it


I always thought that j Holden was a good honest bloke so if Morton knows different he should speak up he's had bedlingtons for over 30 years so he must know or come across many granitor bedlingtons in his time atb
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Thats the thing with pedigrees whether there granitor bedlingtons , hybrid bedlingtons or anyother kind of terrier / dog a pedigree is only as honest as the man or men behind it . ATB RT

thats the thing people are not as honest as there dogs atb dai
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  • 2 weeks later...


Have you any proof about the pedigree of granitor bedlingtons or is it just another opinion formed by you, sat in a dark shed playing with your cock and in that moment of dribbling the best part of you down your leg another gem comes from those shit stained fingers while trying to ruin someone or something with no credible proof what so ever so come on lets here it

I always thought that j Holden was a good honest bloke so if Morton knows different he should speak up he's had bedlingtons for over 30 years so he must know or come across many granitor bedlingtons in his time atb


Granitor Bedlingtons went from light coloured and an habit of throwing oversized progeny to far darker and typier within a couple of generations,many believed this was influenced by an infusion of Black Fell in the mix,as the pedigrees never mentioned such?.Ive come across many a Granitor bred beddy,all Bedlingtons will have Granitor in the mix,from the viewpoint of somebody that is interested in type and WORKING FUNCTION id not wish to breed to close to a Granitor bred Bedlington.I don,t wish to get to deep into the Bedlington minefield on here and the fecking ego,s and chancers that are in it for the dollar,all i wish for anybody wishing to source a decent grafting one is that they can source a decent working bred un and not waste 2 years putting effort into a cull,far more Beddy breeders are after your Dollar and don,t give a toss if your next terrier will be non-Bedlington because of their efforts with the breed.Few people breed honest Bedlingtons,FACT<FACT and miserable fact,others on here would wish you to believe different.In an ideal world there would be little need for trust in the terrier world,we know thats a naive outlook don,t we?,especially with Bedlingtons.Any decent working bred Beddy as Fell in the mix,anybody that attempts to steer you away from this rational is possibly peddling kc litters and writing books about working Bedlingtons,the reality that they know little about earthwork says more about them and the litters they breed than anything else.There are a few honest lads on here that own,work and breed Bedlingtons,well done muckers,there are far more that seek your dollar and wish to hold you close to their milky teet.

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what's your worry about some fell in the mix?


Every fell will have some beddy in the mix. Doesn't make them less of a fell. A leggy fell with a soft linty coat wouldn't be judged badly on wether there was beddy blood close up in it.


But on whether it worked or not.

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what's your worry about some fell in the mix?


Every fell will have some beddy in the mix. Doesn't make them less of a fell. A leggy fell with a soft linty coat wouldn't be judged badly on wether there was beddy blood close up in it.


But on whether it worked or not.


spot on Bryan I know a few breeding good bedlington /fells for earth work but get knocked because there dark in colour if they had the blue rinse they would be called working bedlingtons what aload of bollocks atb dai
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I dont know how anyone can knock a dog thats doing the job, no matter what type or how it looks.

because there on a quest to replicate an old time bedlington of yesterday year mate and trust me you mite have the odd kc throw back that works below ground but most that work are bedlington hybrids and that's what they should be called they ain't bedlingtons they're bedlington crosses but there's glory hunters out there who get money out of any new gimmick atb
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There's a load of shite going on at the moment... so here's an account of what I got up to today!!! All legal and above board... At 9:30 this morning I was up in arms with something some twat had posted on a hunting site... :boxing: At 9:40 I had a call from a chap that was looking after a shoot (call it what you will) some game birds on there, some wild birds on there!!!!A fox problem, foxes had been taking birds from this area, they needed controlling....Of I go Lurcher, gun, terrier, oh and another Terrier that was good for bushing.......work a few dense covers, saw a few foxes... couldn't leave the lurcher of, coz that wouldn't be legal wacko.gif couldn't get a shot into them either... Young lurcher bitch, Eva, half marks an earth, one that we had successfully accounted for a fox last year.. aebay025.jpgaebay026.jpgMilly the bedlington, who had been on the lead for this part of the day, was let of and entered, after working through the earth, it was found nothing was to ground... she was keen but worked it through entering and exiting most holes... aebay033.jpgaebay029.jpgOff to the next patch, Barney the mongrel, bed/lakeland * Whippet/bed goes trashing through the cover working right up the arse of a fox..... lurcher flying around all shapes, Milly on a lead :hideingbhindcurtian: Anyways, again we missed this one.... spot the Barney?aebay022.jpgCouple of hundred yards away we hit another big patch of Gorse, Barney and Milly enter at diiferent places, give them a couple of minutes and whoop whoop, Barney's in full cry..... Like a fecking hound he is !!! Lurcher get of slip and she's away... :whistling2: around the other side of this gorse bank... all of a sudden I hear Milly, nowhere near the other two... full on baying and scrapping.... then quiet, then baying... The other two have gone, for what seemed ages but prolly only a few minutes.... Lurcher comes back to me, no sign of Barney... gives him some time then I can hear him in middle of gorse, Marks like a hound this one ... Hands and knees job.... under the gorse... through the fecking bramble and I find him, on the entrance to an earth that I had never seen before.... Lurcher was there as well... aebay040.jpgAfter removing the lurcher and Barny I have a listen and can hear Milly baying for Wales.... checked through the gorse for more holes, none except for the ones appearing in my legs... they do hurt if you haven't got leggings on... Gorse that is... Wish I had a B & F at this time, would have save a hell of a lot of time, anyway after trashing a load of gorse I get a mark of a foot, clapping.gif and could hear the bitch baying, not mixing, just baying... opens up to her and she's squeezed in tight , clears around her, pulls her out, she's taken a bit of stick but ok... :boxing: ... opens up the tube and lets her push on... didn't need to the fox wasn't far in...aebay043.jpgHe was round a bend and giving the bitch what for... I thought enough is enough, she had done her job so I removed her and waited for him to show his head for a middle parting, :doh: no he wasn't coming... Took Barney off his lead... ( fecking meat-head) removed the shovel and let him in..... :thumbup: up he goes and what was milliseconds he was drawing the fox out, lurcher & Milly bailing in over the top, should have secured them better... :hmm: A big Dox fox, cleanly despatched with a 4.10,.... in amongst the riot aebay062.jpgBarney...aebay059.jpgMillyaebay081.jpgBackfilled the hole... tidied up, crawled from out of the gorse, hopefully the other one that they had put out from this bit of cover will oblige and go back to ground in this earth.... I love digging a foot !!!!Good hunting SJ..

like the look of Millie an barney tidy animals s/j
mud milly was a bedlington hybrid mate she was bred out of crap and produced crap her mother was bred by n newburn she was rubbish so I sent her back to a dog up at Nicky's and the resulted pup was milly I then gave her to swanseajack and he worked her she was a good un bred many times to good hybrids plus black dogs but pups were crap the last pup she had was to a border dog and I believe that was a good one but it's a spit of a border no looks of a bedlington when the bitch retired she came back here I was going to breed from her but I knew I would be wasting my time because swanseajack had tried the bitch was then given to j methvin who as wrote the bedlington year books and her father which he's bred from many times and so did n newburn any questions on swanseajacks hybrid be free to ask because I hunted with him many of years atb dai
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Only one thing that matters to me with bedlingtons and thats work what iv got in my kennals goes back to M.E and S.Js stuff with one bitch heavely bred to the old stuff and they serve me well and have open the eyes of many folk and have earned the respect of afew huntsmen and terrier lads . The only problem infront of me is the lack of proven dog to serve decent bitches i know of afew young dogs coming through but time will tell . It was only this week i read a on a site with someone offering a bedlington at stud . Regaurd less to whether its a bedlington or any other type/breed of terrier i was told by my father a good dog doesnt need advertising as if hes any good in the field then hes advertising himself and people will hear of it through word of mouth .ATB RT


Coco you fancy a day or two out over christmas .

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