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Working Bedlingtons 2005

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Not looked at this for age's if you want pics of any type they can all be staged, i just don't know where you guy's have time to take pic's as what bothers me when im out is the dog doing the right stuff and this is all old hat trying to be a big man and prove your dog works these thing have been covered so many times before you get good and bad in both show and workers and ive seen it in both



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There are still working K.C. reg dogs out there so don't give up. They will take a little finding and a lot of research on your part but you will find some. Go and have a look at some litters, ask the breeder to take you and his/her dogs out and see whether you like what you see. Everyone who comes to look at any pups I have gets to see the adult dogs too. The chances are if you find a good working dog with a coat of the right texture and the right size, then you are not going to find it easy to win at a K.C show, as the judge will more than likely be looking for something which is too big, with a softer coat. How ever it is possible.

Also everyone has to start somewhere so get a bitch and then start looking to improve on what you've got by looking for the right dog to sire a litter. It's not until you've got into the breed and start meeting people that you really start to find out about the quality dogs that are around. If you have any questions then feel free to get in touch.



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Happy New Year All, I been quiet for a bit due to circumstances....


Milly's out of action for a bit due to taking a lot of punishment of a small vixen that initially got the better of her, after 2 hours searching and digging we finally got her out, locked to the fox. My only guess is the angle she was entering from allowed the fox to punish her without her being able to dish it back.. She lost a lot of blood and collapsed with shock on the way back to the motor, had a bit of a panic for a bit getting her warm and fluids into her, cleaned her up and got some vas and germolene on the wounds..


though very tender this morning she managed to eat some warm beef soup and a shit in my kitchen...


fingers crossed she will be back after some lengthy rest...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Can anybody tell me about the Granitor Bedlingtons? I think they may be KC registered, but have heard they are useful for work. I've only cme across the name here and there, but don't know the background or type.


Granitor dogs are KC reg and have been around for I would think something like 30 years now. They tend to be small, dogs around 15 inches, bitches 13.5 to 14 inches all with dark coats. The dogs are owned and bred by John Holden in the Manchester area. I have seen 2 or 3 of his dogs work fox and they do not have a reverse gear. I had a dog with Granitor Warrior on both sides of his pedigree, not a great finder in large earths but would draw ever fox he met to ground except his very first one. I am now working a 100% Granitor bitch, 14 inches, blue and tan and she mixes it up abit but luckily does not get damaged like the dog did. There are some photo's of Granitor dogs in 'The Working Bedlington Terrier Year Book 1998' and an article by John in the 1997 edition.



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