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Working Bedlingtons 2005

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One of mates beddy types ?

Tango mid 90's Dam of Yogi

A couple of digging lads that go to the meeting have been out with Cain this season,the FMWTC meetings where often a place that some found advantageous in sourcing stock,days in the field,like minded

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hi it might sound silly but my little girl is desperate for a small dog to show and the local shows only let you if they've got papers,the reason for working is that my boyfriend has really fancied a bitch since last year and he enjoys goung out for hrs on end with a dog. this is a bit long winded but we had a lurcher last year ( not from a pup) and the lurcher turned on my little girl luckily she wasn't hurt! there is a local guythat breeds beddies but their showy and not built for work!i have a american bulldog bitch due pups 1st feb so be looking to get new bitch end march beggining of april and would prefer to start looking for the right bitch now!! sorry its such a long one!!

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I think you may be dissapointed Emma, if you buy a show type "Bedlington"

The dog will most probably have a poor coat, weak jaw, wrong temperament, and be too big,not to mention nasty inbred health issues like copper toxicosis and chronic eye disease.

I'm sorry to be so negative,but thats just the way it is I'm afraid.

There are plenty of show type "Bedlington" breeders who say that their dogs work,but most of it is bulls**t.


What about a kc reg Border terrier?

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I think you may be dissapointed Emma, if you buy a show type "Bedlington"

The dog will most probably have a poor coat, weak jaw, wrong temperament, and be too big,not to mention nasty inbred health issues like copper toxicosis and chronic eye disease.

I'm sorry to be so negative,but thats just the way it is I'm afraid.

There are plenty of show type "Bedlington" breeders who say that their dogs work,but most of it is bulls**t.


What about a kc reg Border terrier?


well said, i think there d be problem even y find a kc reg worker, beddie, what y ll say to y child when y pet comes home bad injured after the work, it s not possible to have a pet for child and worker for friend, only if y ll have 2 of them. from my point of view i think y won t find a breeder with workers who ll sell y a pup, i won t, WORKERS for WORKERS.

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Why Would you want to go to a KC show with a working dog surely if you want to work it then go to workin or hunt shows but you won t find many shows that have bedlington classes if you want a pet/show dog think more on the border lines if you want to stay with kc reg that is, my personal opion is the kennel club have ruined every terrier bred they have got there claws into be it bedlingtons ,fox terrier , JRT ,borders and the bull breeds,, the kennel club have alot to answer for. if i were you i would think long and hard on what you want this dog for show or work then decide what bred etc and go from there ITS YOUR DECISION


pm me if you want advice , i have a friend who is a kc judge and breeds borders ill pass hte number on if you want to go down that line ,, best of luck

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Why Would you want to go to a KC show with a working dog surely if you want to work it then go to workin or hunt shows but you won t find many shows that have bedlington classes if you want a pet/show dog think more on the border lines if you want to stay with kc reg that is, my personal opion is the kennel club have ruined every terrier bred they have got there claws into be it bedlingtons ,fox terrier , JRT ,borders and the bull breeds,, the kennel club have alot to answer for. if i were you i would think long and hard on what you want this dog for show or work then decide what bred etc and go from there ITS YOUR DECISION


pm me if you want advice , i have a friend who is a kc judge and breeds borders ill pass hte number on if you want to go down that line ,, best of luck


Bang on Topper, although at least the kc reg Borders still look pretty much the way Borders looked 30/40/50

ago i.e Deerstone Destiny and his ilk.

Most of the modern "Bedlingtons" are a freak show on legs and nothing more than an exercise in canine hairdressing :laugh: .


Someone tell me I'm wrong, tell us all about the exploits of your working KC reg "Bedlingtons", tell us how good they are at finding,how they stay with their quarry, and how hard they are.

Come on, tell us.........................

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Guest David!

David2363 -

I had a male dog off of John Broadhurst - he brought over a small blue KC bitch about 8 years ago, bred her to a large, liver AKC dog owned by one of the ladies that ran the AWTA here - that was registered to the AKC. The registration didn't amount to much, he only dropped one nut so I had him cut, and I have never shown a dog and am hardly ever likely to do so.

That being said, he was a good finder - a great nose, an awesome brushing dog, and had a mouth like an alligator. He could do more damage than the Patterdale's I was using when he engaged, but I never considered him as much of a stayer as the Patterdale's - he would engage...back off...re-engage, whereas the little black dogs seemed to stay stuck, and when they did move, it was for an immediate change in what they had ahold of, not to take a breath.

If he had been whole, and had he exhibited the same tendency to come off like he did, I would never have bred him, but for many other tasks, I found him to be better than the Patterdales.


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Someone tell me I'm wrong, tell us all about the exploits of your working KC reg "Bedlingtons", tell us how good they are at finding,how they stay with their quarry, and how hard they are.

Come on, tell us.........................


is this question for me? if yes here is my answer











Edited by matulkoh
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Sometimes your posts are verging on hysterically funny!


The question wasn,t posed at your good self.

What I meant was, someone with KC reg "Bedlingtons" to show us some pics of their dogs engaging their quarry, i.e fox.

Lets take your pics ..........


Picture 1 - A dog with some red stuff on his muzzle (if its blood, its deposited in a way that I,ve never seen before. Some may say that it looks as if its been "painted" on.


Picture 2 - Two blokes, a Border terrier, a Patt type, a Show type Beddy?? and two ex foxes.

Why are the blokes faces blacked out (is it not legal to killa fox in your country?)


Picture 3 - A white Beddy barking at an enormous Wild? Boar. I know next to nothing about pig hunting,so cant really comment.


Picture 4 - The white Beddy with the red muzzle again. The dog obviously has a locator coller on,but a pic of him engaging Charlie would be better.


Picture 5 - A rather distastefull shot of a dog (the white Beddy seen previously?) with a chewed up muzzle (looks like fox bites?)


Mat, please believe me when I say that I do not have a problem with you personally,but you did kind of take the bait fella.

My position is,that I trully believe that very few Kc reg "Bedlingtons" work in the manner expected of a terrier worked by the good people of this forum.

I would also like to say that although my own pup is from working lines and has more Bedlington blood in him (virtually 90%)

than I have ever had before, and although he is shaping up well and would probably have ago at Charlie even at his

tender age (if I was daft enough to let him) If he doesnt make the grade, My next dog will be a Rillington/Lakie hybrid of the type I have owned before and worked succesfully.


I know these Bedlington discussions usually go downhill, and degenerate into slanging matches, but that was not my intention when I asked my question.

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sorry mate that i did not understand y post correctly, the beddie on pictures is my akela, pictures with blood on his face is from one dig, picture with with bites on his cut head is from following day, it took more than 6 weeks to go through this injury, we can kill foxes. the story y can find on previews pages.

Edited by matulkoh
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David2363 -

but I never considered him as much of a stayer as the Patterdale's - he would engage...back off...re-engage, whereas the little black dogs seemed to stay stuck, and when they did move, it was for an immediate change in what they had ahold of, not to take a breath.

Hi David,

when you talk about staying to the quarry, are you talking about above or below?


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i was only enquiring bout the kc beddy wasn't sure which other reg's you can get but wanted something with papers, i dont know alot bout them as i'm into my american bulldogs. the bitch i want is for my boyfriend who is into them. another thing is that my family have had all type of working dogs and they've never had problems with their dogs and kids unless its a bad dog. i dont mean to sound like i'm being funny coz i'm not, but my partner doesn't work anything big just permission his got on local land rats rabbits etc, i appreciate any advice but borders are not my thing!! my family have working ones but thats not what i'm after just wanted to come on here to people who know the breed to get info! thanks for the help anyway :)

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Guest David!

David2363 -

but I never considered him as much of a stayer as the Patterdale's - he would engage...back off...re-engage, whereas the little black dogs seemed to stay stuck, and when they did move, it was for an immediate change in what they had ahold of, not to take a breath.

Hi David,

when you talk about staying to the quarry, are you talking about above or below?



Stabs -

Mostly above, and it decided on the game. Above, over here, to coon. He would go in - stay for a long while - move off, take a breather, if the coon moved again - back on like white on rice...move off, etc. The Patterdales, you had to take them off of game, some with a breaking stick. He did the same to possum.

He still got the job done, but he did it in a way where he didn't take as much damage.

To ground - mostly woodchucks where I was at - he fenced and parried and stayed (if he could fit) until they were dead. Was at red fox once, grey fox a couple of times - but never with these, in at a kill. Too big to get to the grey's (used the Patterdales), and with the red, he was pulled out and a Patt. put in to finish.

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