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oh dear....the wife was right!

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getting a bit dispondent by the lack of rabbits on a bit of my permission i was pondering to the fact that


1....... was there any there or

2 .......had mr farmer introduced drop boxes


was discussing it with the missus and she piped up ' it was the end of november last year they started picking up' so i chowed on to the fact how can you remember that as she says get out and try it again and see how it goes


so off i toddled with a four hour ferreting gap more out of curiosity than in preparation for a hard days graft.when i approached the sets glancing over at the holes to the eye they looked totally passable, then the jack russell stopped dead and started tilting her head.

game on. it was a smallish set 10 holes and was quickly netted. took the chance on a jill that had not been out this season so far and thought id ease her back in. that was not a problem - the 'easing back in' took all of 0.3 seconds and she was off.

within a few minutes that familiar rumble that is so pleasant to a ferreters ears started and out pops rabbit number one right in the back of the net!

a pleasant few hours with 5 sets covered and surprisingly a buck and a doe bolting from 3 sets made me a happier man.


caught 10 missed 2 but i have come to realize that for once the wife was right but for gawds sake dont tell her! :nono:

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I'd probably say the lack of rabbits around until now was somebody ferreting them in the middle of summer.and the fact there are a few now is they have moved back into the warrens from surrounding areas.

My memory is also is pretty bad, but i clearly remember someone on here posting reports slap bang in the middle of summer about ferreting somewhere, and getting pom poms, and milky does.


Respect for the rabbit goes a long way in the end.

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thats right mate, in the warmer days of winter they sit out all day under cover enjoying the sun but now mr frosty is here they tend to burrow up in numbers through the day to keep warm and feed more on a night when under cover of darkness :thumbs: ps all women are right if you want a happy life :laugh:

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