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shitty weather

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Lol bear would love to live somewere with agood climate.thats true matt mate i believe our weather men and women do be drunk half the time.its more a guessing game with them i wouldnt be surprised if they tell us were gona have a heat wave next week lol

Haha. Very true. What I would do for a heat wave though! I'm still waiting for summer to hit this year!

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Allways carry a plastic bag in your pocket; takes up no room, wheighs nowt, and doesn't attract attention when you are walking home !!   Cheers.

Thats true it never can just be simple our weather can it always has to be complicated.arent we promised snow tomorrow or is it monday???

Fook that, they have massive snakes, crocs and sharks I'll stick to little britain

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Yeah i'm not going to move back to Spain any time soon. Do miss the weather but not the spiders... First couple of nights I went out in Spain it confused the hell out of me seeing glowing eyes everywhere.... Turns out the eyes of the wolf spider glow similar to a rabbits on the lamp. And they were EVERYWHERE :icon_eek:

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Yeah haha. They obviously looked a lot smaller that a rabbit. But first night out in a new country you don't really know what you are going to find. Took me a good few weeks to realise it was spiders. I was running a 3/4 greyhound over there. But she got a horrible disease caused by the bite of the sandfly. She went from 100% to dead in about 3 months. Pretty much eats them from the inside out.


I'm running a 3/4 Saluki over here now.


Best pic I can find of the spiders glowing eyes.





Sorry this has nothing to do with the topic :laugh:

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I was in the South down on the Costa.


Saw some strange stuff out lamping. Was near a chicken farm one night and flicked the beam on towards one of the barns. 2 big yellowish eyes were staring back at me. I automatically thought it was a cat of some kind... then I saw it move. It was f*****g massive... but still moved like a cat. My dog was staring down the beam and instead of pulling to run towards it she almost backed off. I thought maybe it was a big fox... then it ran. 100% a big cat of some kind. Scared me so I legged it. :laugh:


I told everyone about it and no one believed me... Couple years later I was reading the local paper and there was a part in there that said about a project Spain was doing introducing a couple of lynx into the area I was staying. Said it was thought to be successful after a 4 year project. That answered my question. Thank god the dog didn't go after it!



Yeah mate here she is.



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Anyone managing to take dogs out???weather is horrible freezing conditions and full moon its depressing.brought dogs for walk at 12 other night and it was like daylight in fields beside me just gave dogs abif of exercise.

dont worry mate theres people out running there dogs every night in these conditions lol lol.........................and there dogs are the nuts lollol.................... :laugh:

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