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guide lurchers for the blind

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has anyone got a lurcher that would be any good for a blind person to go lamping with ? what cross is it and what is its temperament like, is this behaviour natural or did it take much encouragement/training? what do you think would make a good lurcher for a blind lamper ?


We will not rest until blind and partially sighted lampers can enjoy the same freedom of movement as everyone else.

Edited by jerry attrick
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Getting this would be a good start

Of course, but the topic is fairly in keeping with several others at the moment that are not intended to be wind ups

Any sight hound would be worth a go.


Tell me this is a joke?


I really aren't sure on here any more!


no its serious i am 98 now and find it difficult getting over the fields at night and my bull x greyhound pulling my arm off isnt funny at my age, tripping over is also bad because last time i tripped over i didn't get found until the next morning by a shepherd who was digging his sheep out of the snow, at my age i need a purpose bred dog


We will not rest until blind and partially sighted lampers can enjoy the same freedom of movement as everyone else.

Edited by jerry attrick
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Tell me this is a joke?


I really aren't sure on here any more!


no its serious i am 88 now and find it difficult getting over the fields at night and my greyhound pulling my arm off isnt funny at my age, tripping over is also bad because last time i tripped over i didn't get found until the next morning by a shepherd who was digging his sheep out of the snow, at my age i need a purpose bred dog


We will not rest until blind and partially sighted lampers can enjoy the same freedom of movement as everyone else.

How do you know where to point the lamp?

Is there not someone that could take you out?

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thank you lapin 2008 i have been doing it that long i just know my way about, but its difficult when farmers move things, and they are not in there usual place then i get confused a little,

i also live at ripon if you ever fancy a look out call me i live at sycamore hall care home kearsley road

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thank you lapin 2008 i have been doing it that long i just know my way about, but its difficult when farmers move things, and they are not in there usual place then i get confused a little,

i also live at ripon if you ever fancy a look out call me i live at sycamore hall care home kearsley road


may not be a good idea mate these fields round here are flooded with massive puddles all over

may end in tears with your condition


Although having a blind lamping partner may be of some use from a comedy perspective


"No mate, the rabbits just a few more steps, No, thats not a slurry pit you can smell! Just a couple more steps!"

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