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Basic question gents, apart from size, what are the differences between the entrance to a badger set, and a fox earth? I had heard that somtimes young badgers lie up in a fox earth when they get kicked out by their parents. Dont want to end up disturbing brock, so your experience would be appreciated lads

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Badgers tend to have a big kickout of soil or sand, and bedding such as dried grass in the enterence coz billy changes bedding to minimise fleas and ticks, also look for latrines or as us northers call them shit pits.... more often than not hair gets snagged up on stone or roots at the mouth to a hole, and well worn runs directly to the sette.... as far as finding billy in fox earths is concerned, not much u can do about that, iv also found badgers in pipes, bales, rock piles and under an old pumping station.... accidents are sumtimes unavoidable, hope that helps

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all of the above-tunnels shaped like the letter d-flat bottom round top-fan out 50-100m from sett and you normally get shit pits-hole in the ground with a mr whippy in it-check fencing and runs for fur-brocks fur is thick-but if there is any doubt dont enter the dog.if hounds have run one to ground in known badger sett i would stay well clear as its an offence to walk over one wether dogs on couples or not-pays to go out with someone with local knowledge and get to know whats ok to dig and whats not-things arent always black and white so use your head-last thing you want is to be known as a badger digger/baiter not worth the agro-always follow the code of conduct when using a terrier to ground and atb and happy hunting. :thumbs:

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