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terrorist attack on glasgow airport !!!

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Pipey; The thing about peoples skins is exactly what I was driving at mate. Lost in the tonelesness of type ;)Of course rabid islamic fundamentalism isn't discernable in the colour of ones skin. Cat Stevens springs to mind. And, as we all know, there are people of African descent, black as the ace of spades, looking for that Kingdom of Islam.


And too, there are doubtless a great many people of various hues living amongst you who are as, if not more staunchly " British " in their hearts than the white people around them. Just, again, as the vast majority of orange shaded faces rounded up by the us as potential " Enemys of the State " that time were likely full on, flag waving patriots for Their adopted homeland. But how to seperate the good from those of evil intent? Put each and every one of them through a 'Lie Detector' test each month? Make sure those who passed haven't since been converted? Hardly likely. And anyway; Even I've read the studies on how to defeat a Lie Detector.


" How about some suggestions then mate? What should we the working classes of GB do to put a stop to this treachery??? "


:icon_eek: How the hell should I know, mate? Good grief, if I had such wordly wisdom as to crack problems of this global magnitude, I'd have had my roof painted by now. I'd be Sir Ditch Shitter, for sure. Reminds me of that Peter Sellars film, about a slightly slow witted Gardener. Somehow something he said was misconstrued as being greatly profound and the next thing we know he's being proclaimed the new messiah. All the poor bloke was doing was uttering his own ideas on gardening.


Well, I'm only joining this discussion because I like discussion. I also appear to just happen to have a slightly more to one side perspective to many people here. Perhaps that's got something to do with my objectivity, being as I live in the middle of no where in another country altogether, where my mind focuses more on, for example, getting my roof painted than where they're building the next mosque.


I'm also well aware that I'll personally be long since dead and gone before 'islam' can breed / convert enough followers to overthrow your own democracy by dint of that very democracy.


And there's another bone we may all enjoy a chew on, perhaps? :hmm:


More stimulating than just sitting, bitching about the bloody rain, surely? :D

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I'm also well aware that I'll personally be long since dead and gone before 'islam' can breed / convert enough followers to overthrow your own democracy by dint of that very democracy.

They may not have the majority in actual numbers yet but they use the current democratic process far more than our secular, and even christian, citizens. They have a large number of counsellors elected to local authorites arguing for their deomgraphic corner of society. They have regular residents committees where they thrash out issues on a local level. They vote on faith based issues. Issues that matter to them... Like we should have done for hunting.


What do we do?


We watch f*****g Big Brother, that's what we do, and we moan about the f*****g weather.


How many people, on this forum alone, have openly admitted to not voting as it's a waste of time? Other sections of our community are participating and this activity is allowing them to call the shots on local level... you think they'll stop there?


There is a non-violent solution and that is to use the political process in what is left of our democracy. If people can't be arsed getting off their backsides and down to the ballots then we get the democracy we deserve which is a deomcracy that favours the people that use and support it.


The reason the place is in the state that it is because we've become complacent and hypnotized by worshipping celebrities, instead of remembering the sacrifices of those that were slaughtered, in their millions, to protect our democracy from fascism. Religious fundamentalism is the rule of religion by force. This is actually faith based fascism and is growing in popularity, it targets the same sections of society that Nazism did in the 30's, those that feel cheated by the current system because it doesn't reflect their views... sound familiar? They lure you in with promises of paradise yet the reality is that it's just the same shit different day, but by this time you've lost all your rights and you daren't do anything other than follow the herd.


The levels of apathy, in this country, are a f*****g disgrace to this once proud nation and if people don't start to do something about it then it will not go in our favour. We are the majority yet we choose not to exercise that right. A right which alot of these fundamentalists cannot enjoy in their own respective countries.


I'll finish with a question...


The Nazis couldn't scare us. Public spirit kept the home fires burning. The IRA couldn't defeat us either. We said f**k you, we won't live in fear, we'll carry on regardless.


Why does anyone think that Islamic fundamentalism can succeed where these failed?

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Just watched some of the second one and the feckers are saying it's okay for an older man to marry a girl before puberty!!! They feckin encourage paedos!??

I just got back from hols tonight, I flew from Glasgow five days before the attack. I flew with my wife and 11mth old daughter. We were originally planning on leaving on the day of the attack, but got cheaper flights. Thanks Christ we did! And I mean THANK CHRIST! If we had flown on our original day, these feckers would have been trying to kill my wife and daughter!!! F@ck that! I agree the government needs to do something NOW! Boot them all out, back to their 'Islamic state'. Let them enjoy crapping in a hole in the ground, with flies buzzing round their arses and no running water - it'd be too bloody good for them. Show them no mercy - plain and simple. When we were unpacking earlier I saw a bit on TV about the London bombers. It showed video footage of one on a tube - a father of two - look at a white mother with her baby, then turn his back, aim his rucksack at her and detonate his bomb!!!!! When we flew, I had to empty out some of my daughters water bottle, take my shoes and socks off, and so did my wife. Why? We're white. We're Christians. We hardly fit the f*cking profile of ANY of the terrorists who have taken part in any of the bombings across the US or UK! I fought for my f*cking country and I get treated like a 2nd class citizen! F*ck that.

If there's a petition to sign or a party to join that will genuinely make OUR country safer for my family, COUNT ME IN!

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Chris Jones and Mistwalker i applaud you, :clapper: , rational comments.

Chris you say about how people have changed and people are just sitting back and watch drivvle on the telly, you have hit the nail on the head perfectly, there is a connection, people have in my opinion been adversly affected by television, told what to think if you like, no i am not a crank just a realist, until the invention of the telly we were a world power a war faring nation to be reckoned with, our fore fathers would not have sat back and wrung their hands and said oh dear to this sort of thing going on in their back yard, no they would have done something about it long before it had got to this. You are being conditioned, and i am not paranoid, but i wouldnt accept a telly as a gift, think about this when you see your little ones sat there glued to it not conversing just staring at a box having their heads filled with someone elses ideas.



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Mole Trapper. We are now passive. We allow other people to dictate to us because of our apathy.


We are no longer a generation of people who seize the day and carve our niche in the world. We are a generation of sheep who do as we're told, watch what we're told, and collect dog shit in plastic bags.


The system will only work for those that support it. It's foundation is sound but because of the apathy we're at genuine risk of becoming subservient to bullshit politics.


Changes can be made but I don't think the British have the balls for it.

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Guest The Big Fish

Chris Jones, were right behind you.


Yous the man to lead the fight, you have our backing and we will follow you into battle.


Now where the feck has that tv remote gone!!!!

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
I'll finish with a question...


The Nazis couldn't scare us. Public spirit kept the home fires burning. The IRA couldn't defeat us either. We said f**k you, we won't live in fear, we'll carry on regardless.


Why does anyone think that Islamic fundamentalism can succeed where these failed?




Chris; We got to face the Nazi's on the field of open combat, mate. A real, live tangible enemy who we could shoot at and who shot back. Those at home knew that, even as German bombs rained down on them in their homes, 'Our Boys' were dumping pay back time on Germany. It was a proper war and every body knew the craic.


The PIRA blew people up by stealth. They considered themselves at war with us but used a differant tac', for differant reasons. We stood up to them ~ but that's about all we could do with them. Maintane our stiff upper lips. No war was ever declared. There was no visible enemy to shoot back at. To the best of my knowledge, no british Tornado jet bombers ever slung their load on the Shankhill road.


But now those same people have turned from bombs to ballot boxes. I don't for one second think Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness consider themselves 'Failures'. They're simply 'attacking the problem' from another angle nowadays. But they're still every bit as much 'fighting' for what they believe in and wish for.


Now, here's the thing; Sinn Fein doesn't command vast, grass roots level support over here. They're very much a minority party. This possibly reflects the 'fact' that the average Irish citizen is more concerned about the interest rates and the health service than what ever it is that excersises the minds of certain politicians? I really don't honestly know. But I percieve, on the ground here, there are a lot less zealots for that cause than may be imagined. My friends moan about much the same things my old friends moaned about in england. The hum drum, mundane banalities of their every day personal existances. Thus, maybe, Sinn Fein still won't 'succeed' in what ever they're after achieving?


But the muslims? Differant kettle of fish entirely. As ye said yeself; They very much indeed Do command vast, ground level, grass roots 'support'. They manage to mobilise their entire 'nation' at a word. They're eager. They're motivated. They have everything to play for and are playing by sure fire rules. Using the proper rules. Rules which the english seem just too disheartened to even read any more, let alone get up and attempt to play back by.


'Never mind' the odd, occasional bomb. For every hot head willing to wear a semtex waistcoat and walk into a crowd, there's a million others quite happy to put a cross on a scrap of paper and pop that in a black box. But now I'm just starting to echoe ye own words. Surely this suggests ye may have already answered ye own question?

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'Never mind' the odd, occasional bomb. For every hot head willing to wear a semtex waistcoat and walk into a crowd, there's a million others quite happy to put a cross on a scrap of paper and pop that in a black box. But now I'm just starting to echoe ye own words. Surely this suggests ye may have already answered ye own question?

What gets me is this climate of fear we're suddenly living in. When the Troubles were raging there were around 2000 people killed across four decades. The likelihood of being involved in an attack, in Britain, was fairly slim and we got on with our daily lives with little detour.


The problem now is the way it's handled. 20 years ago a tabloid headline was "F**k 'Em! We Will Never Surrender!" etc... now we have "Al Qaeda Warn Of Fresh Attacks Against Britain" followed by several thousand f*****g words a week on how we should all be petrified of what some Asian lady is carrying under her hijab. I mean for all the bomb plots, critical levels of terror, and threats of Islamisation what I've seen is more farce than force. These f*****g car bombers are supposed to be intelligent people and yet they manage to do nothing but injure themselves... Some how they manage to paralyse the whole country with fear? What is wrong with people in this country? Wake the f**k up and do something!


They will always be a minority. The gobshites that threaten decent people with bombs and violence. The same argument can be applied to the animal rights lobby, islamic militants and any form of minority with a violent grudge. They're so out of touch with reality they try to threaten people into their belief system.


Like I said how much shit do people have to digest to lose their stiff upper lip? We've gone from vigilant to coward in the space of 10 years.


I'll still beat the same drum about the solution. It's straightforward enough, but the real problem isn't the militants it's the apathy. How far do we let it go before violence is the only solution to both sides?

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