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terrorist attack on glasgow airport !!!

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They've been here a long time before Blair got in power and make up about 5% of the population of this whole country (muslims that is), So dont worry too much, if it did kick off they'd be scooped up like dog shit and trashed with ease.


Theres loads of them in city areas but not many else where as I understand it.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

' 5% of the british populace would be scooped up and trashed. ' ? Somehow, Pipey; I rather doubt that, mate. Think again:


Ye suggest britain would do as america did with their own Japanese citizens? Herd them all into internment camps, just because? Aren't british prisons already woefully overcrowded? Where would this 5% (a LOT of men, women and children ~ glance over at Birmingham for a tiny fraction) go? Would 'They' erect big, barbed wire compounds on Salisbury Plain, perhaps? Watch towers? Guard Dogs? Armed soldiers patrolling? Best of my knowledge, england wasn't too hot on mimicing that example, even during WW2.


And then there's the question of criteria. Dark skin? Certain tone of darkness? Propensity to visit a mosque, perhaps? Maybe someone could just knock on their doors and invite each member of the family to spit on the koran? No gob? In the truck.


I could, doubtless go on and on with this one. But ye get the idea? Perhaps a far more radically extremist right wing govt would even consider something along those lines? One did before - and look where That got us! :blink:


No. Sorry. Times and attitudes have changed. History has taught some people some things. So on and so forth. Anyway, it'd take a damn strong minded govt. with the backing of a hellishly strong willed people to even seriously contemplate pulling off such a stroke. Forgive me feeling I can say so; But I don't think england's going to see either again, not in my time or possibly yours, mate :no:


Not untill ye all living under Sharia Law, that is.

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John smeaton (the witness) now has his own website www.johnsmeaton.com there is a paypal account set up where you can buy him a pint...he had 1034 pints the last time i looked ! :clapper:


another quote from john was " i ran up and i was kicking him and bootin him then this guy just ran up and banjoed him"

:clapper: :clapper: :clapper:



check out the website !


p.s John Smeaton is a FERRETER !!!! :clapper:

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What I hate is a large percentage of gennuine British folk are sick and tired of the way Muslim extremists have come into this country on a free and planted in our NHS to actually care for us and families in times of poor health, its not just the NHS the shite is everywhere making plans as we speak to bring this country down and all the UK citizens with it.


The real piss take is the UK is so politically correct now no one dare stand up in public and be counted and vent their true feeling even though most of the UK is feeling the same! anyone these days who stands up with the freedom of free speech will be hushed up straight aways by the law and probably Banged up for creating Racial tension, I can 't see anyway round it anymore as no body politicaly includeing the BNP can voice a opinion if it contains anything Racist without facing charges.


Its a tragedy to say this but if you're a gennuine UK citizen you'll be under threat now! we've all been pretty much made Targets by certain Islamic Movements that lets face it want to kill as many UK citizens as possibe in one swipe which now seems to be spreading wider across the UK and not just london anymore! the sad thing is the people who Goven these shores seem to have given them more rights than we have, Uncontrolable mass riots that the law can't control would be the only tool that would probably work and bring the country to a standstill! its sad to say though this will never happen but if it happend it would cause havoc to the economy so the Govenment would then have to listen and take steps...





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Guest Ditch_Shitter
Not fully convinced about that Ditch, the bombings so far have been very compartmentalized and not struck a loud enough bell with the working classes. The football tickets that were found in one of the safe houses were a very close shave and if such an happening would have been successfull then the working classes would be left in no doubt that a calling card had been dropped. And the game would commence.



Sorry, Trims. Read that earlier. Wanted to consider it and wandered off and started doing a load of work with the chain saw. Gave myself such a f*cking headache I haven't been able to concentrate since! :(


Now I come back and see Jasper has really just about said as much as I could on the subject, in a way answering for me. I'd point out his ~ from what I remember of having just read through it ~ basic premise that no bugger dare speak out against the f*kkas. Indeed, should anyone do so, They'd get swiftly shut up by the govt.


Perhaps the root of the problem there is that 'libertarian' forces have allowed the b*stards to gain a foot hold, from which to now start kicking off. And, to now put their hands up and admit it's all going to rat shit and british people are likely soon to die in droves because of it would be to admit the govt. has f*cked up quite monumentally. Ever known a british govt ~ or any other, come to that ~ admit they screwed up? Of course not. They'll spin like Devon Minnows and somehow conspire to push the blame onto you lot. Most probably aiming for the " Working Classes " at that.


Anyway, football tickets? Sounds interesting. Is the implication there then that these b*stards planned to detonate some devices amidst a football crowd? Got to hand it to them; There's a tactic! Make the last lot look tame, don't they? Bloody hard hiding a remotely detonated device on several acres of empty, concrete stands. But a few well spaced, smiling brown faces dotted around the crowds? Well ..... " The game would commence " ? Bit unlikely, surely? There'd be bits of people all over the field to clear up first.


But then what? Massed civil uprising? Revolution? 'The Masses' marching on Birmingham to exact british working class style retribution :gunsmilie: ? What with? Burning torches ~ oh, no. They've just stopped ye smoking in public :rolleyes: Pitch Forks? Do you own a pitch fork? I have a few personally. They're not all they're cracked up to be.


No. I'm sorry. I really think Chris Jones said it on the 'Smoking Ban' thread; Britains second biggest enemy within is the crushed and apathetic condition of the vast majority of the population. He said that and he's one of ye. My agreement isn't a dig. It's just an objective observation.

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' 5% of the british populace would be scooped up and trashed. ' ? Somehow, Pipey; I rather doubt that, mate. Think again:


Ye suggest britain would do as america did with their own Japanese citizens? Herd them all into internment camps, just because? Aren't british prisons already woefully overcrowded? Where would this 5% (a LOT of men, women and children ~ glance over at Birmingham for a tiny fraction) go? Would 'They' erect big, barbed wire compounds on Salisbury Plain, perhaps? Watch towers? Guard Dogs? Armed soldiers patrolling? Best of my knowledge, england wasn't too hot on mimicing that example, even during WW2.


And then there's the question of criteria. Dark skin? Certain tone of darkness? Propensity to visit a mosque, perhaps? Maybe someone could just knock on their doors and invite each member of the family to spit on the koran? No gob? In the truck.


I could, doubtless go on and on with this one. But ye get the idea? Perhaps a far more radically extremist right wing govt would even consider something along those lines? One did before - and look where That got us! :blink:


No. Sorry. Times and attitudes have changed. History has taught some people some things. So on and so forth. Anyway, it'd take a damn strong minded govt. with the backing of a hellishly strong willed people to even seriously contemplate pulling off such a stroke. Forgive me feeling I can say so; But I don't think england's going to see either again, not in my time or possibly yours, mate :no:


Not untill ye all living under Sharia Law, that is.


Sorry Ditch you've gone off on one here and have missed my intended point completely! maybe its my fault for wording it the way I did, I dont know? but I'm simply pointing out there is no need for people like Tracker to worry the way he is, as he said its going to be like baghdad here soon, when it's clearly not considering how many muslims there are in this country. Even in the unlikely event that all the muslims in this country did want to fight for something like an independant Islamic state within the UK (which again is not likely) then they would be scooped up like dog shit and stopped dead in their tracks. Britain becoming an Islamic state is not going to happen! and I just wanted to reassure Tracker of that.


If in the unlikely event that action did need to take place then you asked what would the criteria be? and I dont know why you'd ask such a question :hmm: because the criteria would simply be Muslims wouldnt it :ninja: I thought that'd be pretty obvious mate to be honest. I dont understand why you'd bring colour into it? (Dark skin, tone of skin etc) we're talking about Muslims specifically here regardless of their colour, I do understand that its a belief system not a race of people, just incase you thought I was one of these who dont know his apples from his oranges.


Can I just make it clear once again, I'm not saying it needs to happen here and now, I was just saying in the unlikely event that it did happen they'd lose anyway, so there is no need for anyone to worry what so ever.


You also mentioned glancing over at Birmingham, I'm from Birmingham and have lived here all my life mate, and I meet plenty of different people from different backgrounds daily, alot of good people from all different backgrounds. I have friends and family from different backgrounds, I know more than to throw all ethnic groups into one and think that they're all the same.


In saying that I dont think people can deny that alot of Muslims act in a stereo typical manner, I also know that the majority of muslims do not approve of our way of life (Western ways), and have absolutely NO intention of intergrating into British society what so ever and that I do have a BIG problem with.

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Not fully convinced about that Ditch, the bombings so far have been very compartmentalized and not struck a loud enough bell with the working classes. The football tickets that were found in one of the safe houses were a very close shave and if such an happening would have been successfull then the working classes would be left in no doubt that a calling card had been dropped. And the game would commence.



Sorry, Trims. Read that earlier. Wanted to consider it and wandered off and started doing a load of work with the chain saw. Gave myself such a f*cking headache I haven't been able to concentrate since! :(


Now I come back and see Jasper has really just about said as much as I could on the subject, in a way answering for me. I'd point out his ~ from what I remember of having just read through it ~ basic premise that no bugger dare speak out against the f*kkas. Indeed, should anyone do so, They'd get swiftly shut up by the govt.


Perhaps the root of the problem there is that 'libertarian' forces have allowed the b*stards to gain a foot hold, from which to now start kicking off. And, to now put their hands up and admit it's all going to rat shit and british people are likely soon to die in droves because of it would be to admit the govt. has f*cked up quite monumentally. Ever known a british govt ~ or any other, come to that ~ admit they screwed up? Of course not. They'll spin like Devon Minnows and somehow conspire to push the blame onto you lot. Most probably aiming for the " Working Classes " at that.


Anyway, football tickets? Sounds interesting. Is the implication there then that these b*stards planned to detonate some devices amidst a football crowd? Got to hand it to them; There's a tactic! Make the last lot look tame, don't they? Bloody hard hiding a remotely detonated device on several acres of empty, concrete stands. But a few well spaced, smiling brown faces dotted around the crowds? Well ..... " The game would commence " ? Bit unlikely, surely? There'd be bits of people all over the field to clear up first.


But then what? Massed civil uprising? Revolution? 'The Masses' marching on Birmingham to exact british working class style retribution :gunsmilie: ? What with? Burning torches ~ oh, no. They've just stopped ye smoking in public :rolleyes: Pitch Forks? Do you own a pitch fork? I have a few personally. They're not all they're cracked up to be.


No. I'm sorry. I really think Chris Jones said it on the 'Smoking Ban' thread; Britains second biggest enemy within is the crushed and apathetic condition of the vast majority of the population. He said that and he's one of ye. My agreement isn't a dig. It's just an objective observation.


How about some suggestions then mate?


What should we the working classes of GB do to put a stop to this treachery???

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