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terrorist attack on glasgow airport !!!

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Listening to the radio last night, they interviewed one of the fella's who put the boot in on the burning terrorist, he said he saw the the terrorist attack a policeman, his words were " That's na happening, not in my town". :thumbs:

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  bigdan said:
they hated us before the war it goes back thousends of years we need a rebellion to protected ourselfs and stick together



100% true.

they hate us and the sooner people start to realise that the f*****g better.im fed up with listening to muslim leaders spouting there bull about how its only a minorety of there people that take part or suport thease attacks yeah maybe take part but i bet that same muslim leader talks diffrent behind closed doors to what he duz to the bbc. wise up people before its a case of i f*****g told you so.


i aint catholic but i'll tell you what there thing for having big familys is dead right cos like somones already said these fuckers are out breeding us and at the end of the day the democracy that they so dispise is a numbers game. wont happen soon but at this rate it will happen


the respect party= its already started.

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  gibby said:
f****n hell :no:

The b*****ds who try these things should be strung up. Ill even provide the rope...


The thing is they want to die because they think they're going to paradise with 80- virgins or some bollocks like that.


What they should do with them is sling them in a hole with nothing but the bible to read and pig shit to eat.

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sorry pipey . i watched about 2 minutes then i had to turn it off as i could feel my blood BOILING the nerve of these scum is unreal. we need to unite NOW before its too late they need to be taught that we have never lost a war and we do not intend to do now! firstly we need to get our lads home from iraq and leave them to it. if they want to kill each other then so be it

secondly we need to get all the immigrants out of jail and on a plane back home

thirdly they should be told that any mosques that promote terrorism will be torn down

fourth. they shoud be banned from wearing veils in public (ignorant b******s)

fifth .the political correct people should be made to see what is going on instaed of having there heads up there arses

sixth. we need a bnp party in every town.

seventh. and final is that if they want a holy war they can have one, stop hiding behind religion! religion has nothing to do with it they want to take over this country and make it a shit hole like ther own the question is are WE GOING TO LET THEM ??

Edited by poacherjim
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you cant protect your self from suicide bombers as the is no repercussion .....but what you can do is make um think twice about there actions or any of the fuckers involved in this terrorist shit

if caught ploting/executing then there immediate family will be sent back to place of origen ...there for you have repercussions for there actions....pretty easy to solve if the goverment had any balls


how would these bombers feel when there old mar is liveing off the back of a donkey again

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  swamper said:
you cant protect your self from suicide bombers as the is no repercussion .....but what you can do is make um think twice about there actions or any of the fuckers involved in this terrorist shit

if caught ploting/executing then there immediate family will be sent back to place of origen ...there for you have repercussions for there actions....pretty easy to solve if the goverment had any balls


how would these bombers feel when there old mar is liveing off the back of a donkey again


Thats exactly what should happen but there is NO chance of that happening, Infact I think anyone caught at any of these meetings like what we seen in the vids I posted up should be shipped out without any hesitation.


Let them know they're not going to try and bully this country with their cowardly suicide bombs and scare tactics.

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  jrt666 said:
cheers for the link to them vids fella hard to watch but worth watching.


i can see how people will look to the bnp but there not the answer to this one.

BNP could be start mate. true whats been said here, british folk have got to start to stick together, instead of sitting back and doing nothing. But im sorry to say thats what they're good at nowadays, not like folk used to be years ago. God help us if there's ever another war :wallbash:

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  nealey said:
  jrt666 said:
cheers for the link to them vids fella hard to watch but worth watching.


i can see how people will look to the bnp but there not the answer to this one.

BNP could be start mate. true whats been said here, british folk have got to start to stick together, instead of sitting back and doing nothing. But im sorry to say thats what they're good at nowadays, not like folk used to be years ago. God help us if there's ever another war :wallbash:



BNP aint got the brains imo dont get me wrong ive got loads of time for some of there plans but there just so let down by some of there other polices if you get what i mean. we could do with a party thats JUST slightly less ship em all out cos that just aint gona work :doh:

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  jrt666 said:
  nealey said:
  jrt666 said:
cheers for the link to them vids fella hard to watch but worth watching.


i can see how people will look to the bnp but there not the answer to this one.

BNP could be start mate. true whats been said here, british folk have got to start to stick together, instead of sitting back and doing nothing. But im sorry to say thats what they're good at nowadays, not like folk used to be years ago. God help us if there's ever another war :wallbash:



BNP aint got the brains imo dont get me wrong ive got loads of time for some of there plans but there just so let down by some of there other polices if you get what i mean. we could do with a party thats JUST slightly less ship em all out cos that just aint gona work :doh:

It'll work fine for me mate, get rid of em, after all they hate us don't they, so they shouldn't mind leaving ? Might not work do to all the f****n do gooders in the country. You can't have the enemy walking among us, hey.

Cheers mate :drink:

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100% agree with you on geting rid of that lot shit id even load them on the f*****g boat with ya but the bnp want rid of a lot more than them jews blacks paddys so if you see what i mean it just aint a viable option because there against all other races so would never gain power because there excluding a large amount of the vote. imo


be lucky fella :drink:

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