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Sorry to hear that Rob.. :( How old was she mate?

Don't know pal, got her from rescue centre about 4 years ago. She was quite old though I think because last month I had her out for short sessions (2 or 3 small warrens) 4 or 5 days in a week and by the end she was struggling, it wouldn't have been an issue for her previously. Her teeth had that sort of half transparent look about them aswell if you know what I mean, not fully white like they are when they're young.

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Dunno, maybe it's just coincidence then but there are definite bite marks on the back of the neck a couple of which have broken the skin.


I haven't buried her yet so I'll have a look properly in a minute. She didn't look in pain when I had her on my knee last night, just flat out and non responsive. Maybe he was trying to drag her about to wake her up? I honestly don't know. I would have thought if he was trying to kill her he'd have finished the job wouldn't he? When I went to the hutch she was flat out at the front of the hutch and just lifted her head up, and he was bouncing around but jumping over her.

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Maybe the hob was just "practise humping" like male pups do... And maybe he had nothing to do with her dying just a coincidence

After all if she was weak anyway due to old age and weakened condition she may not have been strong enough to slap down a boisterous teenage hob


Just an alterative scenario to consider

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Maybe the hob was just "practise humping" like male pups do... And maybe he had nothing to do with her dying just a coincidence

After all if she was weak anyway due to old age and weakened condition she may not have been strong enough to slap down a boisterous teenage hob


Just an alterative scenario to consider

yeah could very well be that, I guess I'll never know. I'll keep a close eye on the situation when I get another jill though just in case.

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'Carraghs Gem' timestamp='1354192348' post='2922092']

Maybe the hob was just "practise humping" like male pups do... And maybe he had nothing to do with her dying just a coincidence

After all if she was weak anyway due to old age and weakened condition she may not have been strong enough to slap down a boisterous teenage hob


Just an alterative scenario to consider


Doubt it a seven months hobs stones wouldn't have dropped he should show no intrest in sex till next year ?.

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'Carraghs Gem' timestamp='1354192348' post='2922092']

Maybe the hob was just "practise humping" like male pups do... And maybe he had nothing to do with her dying just a coincidence

After all if she was weak anyway due to old age and weakened condition she may not have been strong enough to slap down a boisterous teenage hob


Just an alterative scenario to consider


Doubt it a seven months hobs stones wouldn't have dropped he should show no intrest in sex till next year ?.

A 12wk old puppys balls havent dropped but they still hump teddys etc... Its a dominance based instinct before its a sexual instinct

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I've heard experienced ferret keepers on here say that sometimes they have had old and weak or sick ferrets targeted by the healthy ferrets they live with. Maybe the ferret was already on her way out, took a bad turn overnight and that in turn might have provoked the hob into attacking her? :hmm:

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sad to hear mate,,poor little stinker......hopefully you can get another to replace her......not that it will be any consulation as you probably feel like no other stinker would take her place,,,,,,people get real attached to the little buggers.......i started with 2,,,,i didnt even want them,,but my son bought 1 and she looked lonely so i told him to get her sister as well,,,that was 2,,,,,,,now i got another jill,,,that made 3,,,and 2 hobs that live with them,,from a rescue centre,,,my girls have all been spayed and my boys have had their nuts cut off,,,so hopefully i wont end up posting the same type of story as yours on here in the future,,,,,,,,,,,good luck with the new one if you get one,and as for the hob,,,if it was him that killed her id keep eye on him mate,,ATB DAVE

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