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hob health issue

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Got a constant food source in there, like biscuits? Then you can top it up with the more "meaty" stuff as normal. Ferrets have a short digestive system, so little, alot is the general rule, but leaving meat in there can become smelly, so that's why I have biscuits, then take the biscuits out when you put a leg of rabbit or a few livers in there, then just place the biscuits back. Throw in some extra protein and crack two or three eggs on top of the biscuits. Makes the biscuits softer and also, the stinkers go mad for it!


If it's not a food problem, then make sure the hobs aren't fighting over the food while the jill eats it (could explain her looking healthy). Split them up with some feed and then don't put them back together until the food is gone. They should put on weight very quickly if they have plenty of food regularly. If this doesn't resolve the problem sharpish, then down to the vets!


This is all I could really think of to be honest mate. Other people who are older and wiser might be able to help though buddy.


Atb, Bunny.

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i myself wonder if its a hormonal thing - i have jills that go skinny as anything every year and its always around this time - in a couple of weeks there back up to full weight with winter coats its a worry when they do it to you bud - as long as there eating,pooing and drinking, just keep an eye on them but i use chicken complan from the chemists mix it up with water to a stiff paste and allow to cool. it chucks the weight on mine quite quick

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