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lazer eye surgery does it work?

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Most people need glasses for reading and close up as they age: mid forties onwards normally, but eyes continue to change for many years. I don't know if they'd do surgery so early in case the eyes changed again: worth finding out.


I had mine done age 35. I was short sighted. I was informed before the procedure that I would likely require 'reading glasses' when I became 'middle aged'....., at a recent eye test, I was told that my vision was perfect.....so far,so good.

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I had it done 7 years ago after wearing glasses and contact lenses from age 12............it is the most liberating thing I have ever done! No more steamed up glasses, allergic reactions to glasses t

should not of played with himself so much

wiil do. but like i said my eyes are just on the border line of me needing glasses but i am starting to look into it

know a guy who had it done.says he can see perfect.but do your homework,some have had problems,and the price can be drastic to what they advertise.ive thought of it myself.i should wear glasses t times,but very rarely do.certainly something i would look into if it got bad.let me know how you get on bud lol

wiil do. but like i said my eyes are just on the border line of me needing glasses but i am starting to look into it :thumbs:


try (contact-lens) might be eaiser for you than putting glasses on, and would cheaper than a OP for the above :yes: its your age jon lol

thank feck they are still working enough for me to spot that car lastnight. :laugh: :laugh:



you right there jon, feck me that was close, another 8in and i would have hit him dozy prat should have moved lol, good reactions though :yes: i drive better 4am in morning :laugh:

more like another 2inches i dont know about 8 :laugh: . ill give you that your reaction speed was shit hot, thank feck :laugh:

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Most people need glasses for reading and close up as they age: mid forties onwards normally, but eyes continue to change for many years. I don't know if they'd do surgery so early in case the eyes changed again: worth finding out.


I had mine done age 35. I was short sighted. I was informed before the procedure that I would likely require 'reading glasses' when I became 'middle aged'....., at a recent eye test, I was told that my vision was perfect.....so far,so good.

i am a little younger than 35 so thats good news for me thanks.

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had mine done more than ten yr ago and still fine, the surgery rectifys imperfections of the eye such as in the case of short sightedness it can be caused by a lence thats thicker thus it distorts the light passing through so they remove the excess, or the lence may not have a smooth surface as it should be as smooth as a mirror some are like orange peel so they use the laser to rectify this, the same when the eye has an astigmatism they use the laser to correct the roundness of the eye, reading glasses are needed when the muscles in the eye get weak and cant get the eye to focus properly so surgery cant rectify this, so needing reading glasses is not to do where youve had surgery but because the eye muscles are getting weaker and this is down to age and usually starts around the 45/50 mark.

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A few I know have had it done with good results. One lad i used to work with got it done and they cocked it up somehow, I think they made him go from being long sighted to being short sighted (or something like that) It was then corrected with another operation free of charge.

I dont know the full details though

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was just wondering if any of you off this site have had lazer eye surgery and if it worked.


ive been to the opticians and its borderline for me having to wear glasses, is it worth me saving up and getting my eyes done. or is the surgery a waist of time and money.


I've been wearing glasses since I was 11 or 12, am now borderline not being able to get slimmed down lenses :cray:


Knew a girl who got her eyes done, cost her a fair few thousand, she's back wearing specs again.


I've also heard that it interferes with your vision at night, but I don't know was that accurate or rumour.

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I've also heard that it interferes with your vision at night, but I don't know was that accurate or rumour.


You can see halos and rings around lights. But then again, likewise, sometimes if its sunny that can irritate your eyes - according to my mate who had his eyes done earlier in the year.


Like the others on here say tho, he says its the best thing he`s ever done. But then he couldnt get on wearing contact lenses, so he`s always had to wear specs.

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I must say, i have never experienced any problems with night vision - just a vast improvement to what it was like wearing glasses or contact lenses. The day the contact lenses, solutions and storage pots left the bathroom window sill for the bin was a great one!

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was just wondering if any of you off this site have had lazer eye surgery and if it worked.


ive been to the opticians and its borderline for me having to wear glasses, is it worth me saving up and getting my eyes done. or is the surgery a waist of time and money.


Yes it works, but you cannot be a commercial pilot if you have it done, why not? The points where the lasers have been shot into your eyes will create starburst like effects when light shines on them, which is why you cannot be a pilot, effectively night blinded! I would not bother.

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