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lazer eye surgery does it work?

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I had it done 7 years ago after wearing glasses and contact lenses from age 12............it is the most liberating thing I have ever done! No more steamed up glasses, allergic reactions to glasses t

should not of played with himself so much

wiil do. but like i said my eyes are just on the border line of me needing glasses but i am starting to look into it

I'm the same as littlefish, had mine done about 9 years back, best money I've ever spent!!

Funnily enough, what convinced me to go for it was a 'warm' nights lamping in a speck I thought safe, which wasn't, and having had to pick up my heels for a mile or so, I was trying to make my way slowly to the motor, could I see for steam, could I feck, I was in a position where I could not move until i'd cooled off... Just couldn't see for misting glasses, yet couldn't see without 'em (my next prescription was Labrador)!! :blink:

Though it's the best thing i've done, natural deterioration will eventually kick in with age but until that happens... No more foggy nights...!!! :toast:

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My brother got his done about 6 mth ago and his eye's where that bad he could not see anything further than 3ft infront of him without glasses on..now he can see perfect without his glasses and to be honest he look's weired without glasses on now as he had worn them for around 28yr's..

He was told he may still have to wear glasses in the future but they will be no where near the strength he was wearing.. his eye's where getting worse by the year and every year he had to get thicker lenses..but now if he does need them again they will be little thin lenses..

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know a guy who had it done.says he can see perfect.but do your homework,some have had problems,and the price can be drastic to what they advertise.ive thought of it myself.i should wear glasses t times,but very rarely do.certainly something i would look into if it got bad.let me know how you get on bud lol

wiil do. but like i said my eyes are just on the border line of me needing glasses but i am starting to look into it :thumbs:


try (contact-lens) might be eaiser for you than putting glasses on, and would cheaper than a OP for the above :yes: its your age jon lol

thank feck they are still working enough for me to spot that car lastnight. :laugh: :laugh:

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know a guy who had it done.says he can see perfect.but do your homework,some have had problems,and the price can be drastic to what they advertise.ive thought of it myself.i should wear glasses t times,but very rarely do.certainly something i would look into if it got bad.let me know how you get on bud lol

wiil do. but like i said my eyes are just on the border line of me needing glasses but i am starting to look into it :thumbs:


try (contact-lens) might be eaiser for you than putting glasses on, and would cheaper than a OP for the above :yes: its your age jon lol

thank feck they are still working enough for me to spot that car lastnight. :laugh: :laugh:



you right there jon, feck me that was close, another 8in and i would have hit him dozy prat should have moved lol, good reactions though :yes: i drive better 4am in morning :laugh:

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