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The thieves are still going not just for working dogs......

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The thieves are still going not just for working dogs........


***ATTENTION*** a friend of mine on a farm just outside Winchester had thieves break in & try and steal their dogs last night - even attempted to kill their guard dog. Please please please keep your eye out for them as they've been spotted in the Sutton Scotney/Barton Stacey area & as far as Sussex. They're not just interested in working dogs, non working dogs ha

ve been stolen too! Not sure if it's the same bunch of people who cut the horses tail.




This is my friends status:



Had the dog thieves break in last night. They were in a green Subaru and apparently have been seen around the area a lot. They didn't take the dogs, but they did hurt our guard dog & we know they will be back. Be very careful people... They went to great lengths to get in; ripped down a section of our fence, cut through steel bars & bolt cropped the locks off. It was frightening, and I'm still shaking now. If you see a green Subaru, reg X478 BUJ in this area PHONE IT IN. 101 or 999.


Police & Countryside Watch are aware of this incident. But if you do happen to see it, please do NOT approach them! Just call the police

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1 Day these people will be up in Arms when 1 off there lot Die stealing someone's dog , similiar to the Tony Martin case , these people knew how that man was Robbed and Psycologicaly tortured by these people and they let it happen but when the boot was on the other foot they expected sympathy , well kick a dog often enough and eventually it will bite back and I feel that will happen here !

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It won't be long untill a dog theif is killed with 'excessive force' being widely viewed as legal in defending your home.....


I do hope so.


I'd happily put a steel bolt out of my crossbow into one of them if I caught them. I'm sure I would face the consequences later and regret it but I would make the b*****d remember trying to steal my dogs for the rest of his life.


Who they think they are to break into someone's property and take there dogs or other possessions while the family are sleeping. Scum. Pure scum.

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