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Hi everyone. I rescued a 9 year old staffy back in February and it was the best this I've done this year. Only thing that bothers me is the amount of dogs that mount him when he is off lead and he does nothing to stop and stands there looking scared. I know he isn't happy and it pisses me off because to me that is aggressive behaviour by the other dogs which leads to me having to grab them by the collar and launch them off him.


I don't want him to be aggressive, it's just strange the amount of dogs that do it, like they can sense something is wrong with him. Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions that may stop him being so submissive?

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Hahaha I knew someone would say that! I know he don't like it mate because some days he will have a growl and a snap at dogs that try it.


I'm just concerned that there might be something wrong because he seems to be a target to boisterous dogs. Don't get me wrong I don't want a snarling staffy, but feck me he's a male dog and should be giving them hell for trying it on!


Maybe it's the shampoo I use on him?!

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YOU are his protector and pack leader. Don't let the other dogs near him. The poor dog has obviously not had a good life, and he really needs you to do his 'fighting' for him, not in the literal sense of course. Keep other dogs away from him, and if you can't, tell the owners in no uncertain terms that you need your dog to feel more confident, not the target of their uncontrollable mutts. If your dog has been neutered that could well be a reason for their behaviour as well as some male dogs appear confused by the scent of neutered males.


Also, it doesn't matter what breed your dog is. If he has a naturally submissive temperament, you will never get him to act like a hard nut, but at his age, he is also probably less forceful than he would have been as a young dog. You can knock the stuffing out of just about any dog, no matter what its breeding, and if his previous experiences in life have left him lacking, then you must accept him for what he is, but don't let him become a target. Your job to protect him and make his life as good as possible.

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He is neutered skycat. Whenever it happens close to me I always get the dog off him, but the problem is he's so friendly he runs off quite far to see other dogs and it takes me too long to get to him. The only reason it has caused me concern is there is a woman who walks a big, useless old english sheepdog which always tries to do it. She told me that my dog is the only one that it has ever done it to and its a busy place with dog walkers. Same with my mum's mate, she walks a weimeramer (spelling) thats avoids dogs, but she told me that my dog is the only one that he has ever tried mounting in all the years she's had him.


The vet told me to give him evening primrose oil for his itchy skin, but ive stopped it because I thought it might be raising his estrogen levels

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If your dog is out of control (running off to greet other dogs) like it sounds then you need to sort that first.


Keep him on a lead if there are others about.


If dogs come up up to you when he's on a lead and cause bother then start carrying a stick and give the fuckers a tap on the head. And if the owners don't like it then tell them to get there dog under control and give them a harder tap :thumbs:


It's not impossible to keep a dog leaded up, it's hard but doable. My bitch has to be leaded up if other dogs about as she will nail any strange dog that approaches her. If she's on a lead then I'm covered.





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Wise words from Skycat and Gaz. It doesn't seem fair that you should have to keep your dog on a lead because of the bad behaviour of others. But... you should have him under control so that he doesn't bound up to other dogs because sooner or later he is going to run into one that wants to kill him, not hump him :icon_eek:

Evening primrose is a well known remedy for "ladies problems" so it could possibly have been affecting his hormone levels.


If possible, keep him on a flexi lead when there are other dogs around and let him have a run when it is quieter.


Good luck with him - rescue dogs often come with problems, respect to you for taking him on :yes:

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