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should i buy

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im new to hunting so im wondering should i buy a ferret or try borrow 1 is there alot involved in keeping 1. i normally use terriers for bushing and my lurcher chase but i was told that my lurcher works better with ferrets so im keen to give it a go and advice or points greatly appreciated

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I would buy 2. Ferrets do better with their own company mate its great watching em play. I clean mine out everyday, ferrets shit for england lol. They need large hutch and run, tubes etc plenty of things to do. They need time outside the cage to run about. More you handle em friendlier they are. Feed them raw meat and biscuits. Hobs can live together but if theyre not done they can fight in breeding season so you might need a spare cage. Jills need bringing out of season every year or spaying. Bigger their home the better, they get bored easy so need alot of things to do.

Edited by joe14
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Personally if you've never kept them or worked them - i would see if you can go out with someone and their ferrets,

handle them, see how they work and have a chat about how to keep them, that way you will know then if keeping ferrets is for you.

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They are great too have around once you get used too them. Full of fun and happy creatures if you sort out the breeding issues as joe said. Best thing I had done was castrate my hob he turned into a bundle of fun instead of the sex mad grease monkey he was

I wouldn't be with out mine now

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