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day out in dales - pic heavy

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Last Sunday Chris and I, Along with Neo and Ted set off at silly oclock in the morning to the Dales for a days ferreting. Chris feeling a little worse for ware after the night before xmas do was soon feeling better after a huge scotch egg and sausage roll.






We got to the dales as it was just breaking light. It was my first time ever ferreting up there and it was good to have the hand of the gamekeeper for the day, especially travelling by quad, which neo didn’t really like.


We got up the side of what left like a mountain and set out all the nets I had on this first warren, all 55 of them and there were still some hole free but that’s where the dogs come in. As I was setting out some nets I just saw in the corner of my eye a large ball of fluff bouncing about, it was a rabbit in the net I had just set a minute ago and no ferreting in the hole yet, but the dogs were on the case even though they were tied up on to the spade! So that’s one in the bag at least. This is where is my memory goes a little vague due to the pure excitement.









Neo photo bombing!!!







Three Ferrets were put down and little to show for it and then it started to happen, and they appeared to be popping out of every where, and the dogs were soon on them, and I believe we only lost one out of this set and ended up with 12. Now at home this would be a good full day out, but this was just our first set.


We pulled in the nets when the ferrets showed and moved up the hill, There was a smaller warren on the way up and the dogs showed a bit of interest so we netted up entered a ferret but nothing appeared.










So we moved further up this mountain where dave the gamekeeper was waiting for us and again we set out all the nets and still lots of holes un netted.








The ferrets were entered and Neo was markling well at the top and getting a bit frustrated in that area, as shown below.








The rabbits started to bolt, two found a un netted holes and ended up back netted, another was picked up by Neo, another just got down another hole by the hair on its bum but was soon to be dug out. Again we only missed one rabbit here and mopped up 10 rabbits, and its not even dinner time. Once all the ferrets had appeared we brought the nets in and moved down the hill.


We again came upon another large warren again all the nets were out again and three ferrets put in.










There were some wonderfull views from up here








Two rabbit came out of this warren and It was time to take them to the quad now. Well this was fun and games trying to keep them on the quad, they were coming off left right and centre.


We came across another warren and set out all the nets and still holes un covered .






And guess which holes the rabbits found, the ones which was un covered and Neo and Ted had a really good run on it and brought it back in tandem.


Now we did the odd ones after this and picked up a few more rabbits, and got them back to the quad to go back down have dinner and change over the ferrets, as these were big rabbits. With one problem 28 rabbits and keeping them on the quad. Chris came up with a good idea. I have nitted two large poke netes for ditched and hedges, why don’t we put them in there. Well it worked, about 12 rabbits in each and they held, and didn’t break which proves the strength of nige’s net twine, just wish IU got a picture of it.


SO we had dinner changed the ferrets over and went up a different hill. The first one we got two was where the keeper found some one else on a few weeks prior, we got one out of it but evident they has as well as they had a dig.




So we went further up the hill. We found a set and saw some rabbits drop in and netted up.








Ted was sat really well on this one and as I took the photo a rabbit balle dup in the net.






We both had some fun and games on this one, chris warren was bigger then thought and ended with a dig.


I ended up with a bolt and a dig, the ferret was having a chase of something around the warren but nothing appeared.


I was started to get darker now so we pulled in the nets and went down the hill.




34 rabbit in total, and once we gutted them the mudd guard on the car was no longer touching the ground






Now this was a amazing day and really really enjoyed it and cannot wait to go again.

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  On 27/11/2012 at 09:24, lapin2008 said:

Nice account lads, sounds like you had a good day.

Why do you not use a quick set long net, it would save you some time on some of those bigger warrens?


i would have thought on warren's like that they'd just run hole to hole, might get the odd bolter so long netting might not be as effective ?? :hmm: :hmm:

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  On 27/11/2012 at 09:35, Wxm said:
  On 27/11/2012 at 09:24, lapin2008 said:

Nice account lads, sounds like you had a good day.

Why do you not use a quick set long net, it would save you some time on some of those bigger warrens?


i would have thought on warren's like that they'd just run hole to hole, might get the odd bolter so long netting might not be as effective ?? :hmm: :hmm:

They tend to run hole to hole as well as fully bolt, some of the ones on steep banks in the dales can go down a fairly deep too so some of the warrens are bigger even than they look , I would normally use lots of ferrets to keep the pressure on them and a mix with long nets surrounding or on the lower side of the warren and the occasional purse net dotted around


Edited to say: Not saying there is a right or wrong way to do it btw and certainly not saying the way I would do it is right! just trying to save you some time and also that no matter how many purse nets you carry you will always come across one warren with a handful of extra holes..

Edited by lapin2008
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