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Police checks?

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If you have no convictions, and you are mentally sound, there should be no problem. The SGC should be simple enough. As for the FAC they will want to know why you want whatever caliber you are after, where you are going to shoot said caliber and can you store the gun and ammo safely. If you can satisfiy the FAO that you DO need it, you HAVE got permission for land and you CAN store it safely then there shouldn't be any problem, oh yeah, and 2 referees.

Oh and dont forget the mentor they will insist on,remember the guy has no experience. Edited by charlie caller
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As above, be totally honest,about everything,even if you dont think it matters,IT DOES,ie if you got done for pissing against a wall in 1987 put it down, if you are applying for an fac, make sure you

And bear in mind that "allowable" land has a time restriction on it, not sure what it is but they now have to re visit and re certify every so many years.

Suppose it makes sense to ensure a school hasn't been built on the land, but it's just 1 more hassle for farmer Joe. and I more reason he is less likely to sign your permission.

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I do a lot of retrieving and flushing of hares. All on permission and within the requirements of the hunting act. Unfortunately though, the police are offen called due to reports of suspected hare coursing. The police take our names and addresses and sometimes do a pnc check on the vehicle. After everything is checked out ok, they bid us fair well and go on their way. Anyway, all this information is stored and my FEO showed me a copy last time he came round. About 12/15 incidents in total. So just remember they know everything even if no arrests were made.

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If you have been taken in by police but no charge do you still have to put it on your shotgun certificate.?


put everything mate, 12 months ago i was questioned about a murder and am still on suspect list, although i havnt heard anything from cid in 6 months im sure there not bothered about me no more, when they came i openly handed over fingerprints, a month later dna was found so they wanted that.... i was a suspect and told my feo, put everything down on application and upon last chat with feo and there head office if i had with held this information i would not of got my sgc, however as i was open and honest they had no qualms to issue a cert to me and also no qualms for fac when i choose to go that way...even if you did something when a teen still put it down and unless a recent violent/drunk offence etc you should be ok...all the best steve

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If you have no convictions, and you are mentally sound, there should be no problem. The SGC should be simple enough. As for the FAC they will want to know why you want whatever caliber you are after, where you are going to shoot said caliber and can you store the gun and ammo safely. If you can satisfiy the FAO that you DO need it, you HAVE got permission for land and you CAN store it safely then there shouldn't be any problem, oh yeah, and 2 referees.

Oh and dont forget the mentor they will insist on,remember the guy has no experience.

I applied for my FAC before my SGC. They never asked or even mentioned a mentor and i got the .22lr and HMR that i asked for. I told him i was a BPCA pest controller, which i am, and that i had an air rifle so don't know if that made any difference.
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Your a suspect for murder and you've been granted a shot gun! Lol. You should be in stage!


im serious, no joke..... told feo and put on application and was granted as i wasnt arrested, although a suspect and no ones been charged i readily handed over fingerprints at home when they came, i handed over dna a month later when they came, i have nothing to hide... i answered there questions and lucky for me although the murder was a year earlier it was the weekend of my gals birthday so i knew exactly where i was and what i was doing.... but still honesty when applying is the best thing to do.... all the best steve

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yeah you should tell everything, i have some convictions, nothing too serious but still more than just a parking ticket, but i've been well behaved for many years now and they didnt hold it against me when i put in for my fac. also what they really want evidance of is that you are not a danger to yourself and others; so make sure your referees really stress that you are sane and they have known you for years and you come from a stable family background and all the rest. and if you can manage it, go and do a course for a couple of days with a reputable instructor just to show you are serious.

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you's have got me worried now as i have applied for my 223 and i only put on the application that i had points but i was also arrested for gbh but the case was dropped because i was the attackeeeee not the attacker SO SHOULD I HAVE PUT ON THE APPLICATION I WAS ARRESTED ?

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Well I would have disclosed that I was arrested for GBH which resulted in no further action, but the strict wording of the application form asks you for Convictions and since you haven't been convicted, you should be fine.


The FEO may ask you about it when they pop around, but if they ask why you hadn't put it down, refer to the original wording.

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you's have got me worried now as i have applied for my 223 and i only put on the application that i had points but i was also arrested for gbh but the case was dropped because i was the attackeeeee not the attacker SO SHOULD I HAVE PUT ON THE APPLICATION I WAS ARRESTED ?


in a word yes, when i rang my feo and head office they said to me that if i hadnt told them about being a suspect the chances are that would be an instant NO on getting a sgc, the reason being as if they think you are hiding anything then whatelse have you been upto, so when i rang and explained i completely forgot about being a suspect but readily handed over fingerprints and dna at a later, explained i wasnt arrested as i had nothing to hide etc etc they put it straight on file over the phone... now rather them find out from me rather than police checks down the line, so if i was anyone applying i would say even if it was 24 years ago, which is when i stupidly had a drink driving ban put it down, i got a remark of being stupid and not to do it again as thats one of the fastest ways to have a cert revoked..honesty really is the best policy when applying, all the best steve

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On the application form they want to know what convictions you have. I couldn't remember mine so i got a list of the ones that are on record. It cost £10. Then in the box where it said 'list convictions', on your FAC/SGC application form, i just put 'see atatched form'.

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Thanks a lot guys.. thats really great info..


The only thing im conserned about is if they check the Electoral register! i know its going to souind petty, but i split with my wife for a couple of years and moved back in with the parents.. i was paying bills at the wifes place and my parents but didnt think about the ER! my wife didnt put me down when she got her forms, but my mum is a little old and forgetful, she didnt think to put me down on hers either! so theres nearly 3 years of not being registered anywhere.. i am now as were all sorted but will THAT have a baring??


Thanks again for all the advice everyone..

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