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TTR 1 Proves it self in the wind.

Daz 7

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Was going to the Club and have abit of range time with the TTR 1 and My shooting Buddy R10Rob.

But since it was blowing a gale and He shoot's a R10 .177 cal which needed zeroing with the new weaver rail fitted We put it off till next week ;)

Spotted this Bandit in the tree, Didn't have time to set up the Cam, :no: so aimed for a nice heart shot side on as it was to blowey for a head shot.

Smacked Him down like a brick, shot had still passed through but dumped most of the Kinetic energy into the Bandit. :)


atvb Daz 7.




Group photo 1


group photo 2


a Darryl shot


Close up of one less Bandit.

Edited by Daz 7
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Well done. What's the max range you reckon you will manage with the 25?


That i'm not Sure about :hmm: but with the lightest .25 cal pellets at 19.91 gr weight

I can hit spinners out to 55 yards and even 60 yrds but not sure how far i can push this set up Yet,

as it's all trial and error at the Moment as it's My first sub 12 ft/lbs .25 cal Air Rifle.


atvb Daz 7.

Edited by Daz 7
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