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Not made a net for years but you never forget how.....

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Not had ferrets for some years now after last 2 were stolen, but recently digging out all my old nets made me think about possibly getting another couple of ferrets sometime soon and start up again.


I will need more nets as mine are worse for wear and damp has ruined some of them so today its rained all day so decided to make a netting needle from an old piece of 4mm furniture ply and it came out pretty good but took forever so i wont be making them to sell thats for sure, I found some old garden green twine, a bit too thick but thought it'll do to get some practice in after so long.


I need'nt of worried its like riding a bike once learned never forgotten, I started this one on the ring with 8 loops and then a second row of 8 then add loops 9-10-11 and so on until i get to 17 then decreasing rows back down 16-15-14 and so on until i have 2 rows of 8 and then stitch on ring, it was good fun and enjoyable but lack of practice left me a few blisters but thats life.


I am very good and neat at net making but slower than hell lol so please dont ask if I make to sell as i have no time for that but thought if i make maybe 3 to 5 a week by time i get sorted with some more ferrets i should have a few nice new nets too, will buy some decent hemp twine and some rings, I still cant get these brightly coloured flouresant nets people use??? I dont know if its just the rabbits in my area but everytime i used a bright loud coloured net the rabbits start to bolt see the net colour stop dead and rather face the ferret ? has anyone else had this .....if so would be good to know,


Deano :thumbs:



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always say i gonna learn how to make nets, but with decent nets available at good prices id rather buy them in an spend more time out, as for colour i cannae say iv ever had any probs, we use white/yellow/high viz yellow/red/an blue nets an they all work as good as green an brown nets

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Guest scramble

well done mate, its always satisfying making your own nets and yeah you'll never forget how to knit. with regards to net colour, rabbits can only tell the difference between blue and green so brown/red/yellow nets will work just the same, they more likely to shoot back down if the catch a glimpse of you or the dog. :thumbs:



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thanks for comments everyone, I have never been in view of a rabbit but have had a video cam at times trained on certain holes well away from their view and caught them doing just this with the bright coloured nets but never natural hemp or greens/ browns ? they must be colour sensitive down south lol :laugh:

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Ive been using soley bright coloured nets the past few seasons and its not affected my catch rate at all. You lose a lot less nets, and spot moving nets faster. If you like the feel of hemp, have you tried spun poly? Nice material to work with and you can get it in drab coulours aswell as the hi viz.

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Ive been using soley bright coloured nets the past few seasons and its not affected my catch rate at all. You lose a lot less nets, and spot moving nets faster. If you like the feel of hemp, have you tried spun poly? Nice material to work with and you can get it in drab coulours aswell as the hi viz.


Heard about the spun poly but never used it, might just try some as even hemp ones when held by the ring with it dangling they seem to spiral and twist as the over and under of the needle whilst making causes the string to twist a lot but told the spun poly stays straight and is long lasting if dried after each session ...


Deano :thumbs:

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Ive been using soley bright coloured nets the past few seasons and its not affected my catch rate at all. You lose a lot less nets, and spot moving nets faster. If you like the feel of hemp, have you tried spun poly? Nice material to work with and you can get it in drab coulours aswell as the hi viz.


Heard about the spun poly but never used it, might just try some as even hemp ones when held by the ring with it dangling they seem to spiral and twist as the over and under of the needle whilst making causes the string to twist a lot but told the spun poly stays straight and is long lasting if dried after each session ...


Deano :thumbs:

Its good practice to dry your nets, but is not nessesary with spun poly, it doesnt rot like natural fibres. You will get twist with lots of types of material if its loaded on the needle wrong or is a reject spool. I went through one and a half spools of fox twine before I accepted the twine was Fncked and it wasnt my loading or knitting. Get on the spun poly, I dont think you`ll look back. Edited so say - Check out www.agouti-nets.co.uk Nigel is sound and will sort you out with everything you need, and gets it sent out quick too.
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Ive been using soley bright coloured nets the past few seasons and its not affected my catch rate at all. You lose a lot less nets, and spot moving nets faster. If you like the feel of hemp, have you tried spun poly? Nice material to work with and you can get it in drab coulours aswell as the hi viz.


Heard about the spun poly but never used it, might just try some as even hemp ones when held by the ring with it dangling they seem to spiral and twist as the over and under of the needle whilst making causes the string to twist a lot but told the spun poly stays straight and is long lasting if dried after each session ...


Deano :thumbs:

Its good practice to dry your nets, but is not nessesary with spun poly, it doesnt rot like natural fibres. You will get twist with lots of types of material if its loaded on the needle wrong or is a reject spool. I went through one and a half spools of fox twine before I accepted the twine was Fncked and it wasnt my loading or knitting. Get on the spun poly, I dont think you`ll look back. Edited so say - Check out www.agouti-nets.co.uk Nigel is sound and will sort you out with everything you need, and gets it sent out quick too.


Much appreciated,


Deano :thumbs:

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I used the grey hemp nets for years, still have them and they must be 40 years old, took a lot of Rabbits with these nets.

Then went over to bright colours in spun poly, and can safely say, it makes no difference, they can hit these bright nets like a train.

If they are going to hit a net, doesn't matter what colour they are.

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