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Follow Up to Two Jills Who Dont get On.

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This is the second time I have tried to introduce these pair,

the first was in the Summer, where i thought the problem could be hormonal.

I have an albino Jill and a smaller poley, which appears to be the aggressor.

put the both of of them in a double tier hutch. that the Albino had been in on her own.

I introduced them four days ago with a little warm milk and egg

This is the only time I gave milk.

The poly fed on her own then took over the nest box, when the Albino tried to enter the sleeping quarters the fighting started, these skirmishes lasted off and on throughout the day.

I then noticed the Albino Jill was sleeping in the lower hutch in the corner whilst the poly was in the nest box i gave them a chunk of Rabbit and after a tug of war the smaller poly dragged it into the nest, and noticed that the Albino had not fed, and appeared scared to enter the nest.

Now the fighting has stopped, only because they are totally keeping to their own space.

Will keep them in this situation for another couple of days, if things dont improve me I will separate them for good.

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I would put in more than one bed, cover thwm both in ferretone/olive oil on their necks. They might lick it off each other. Otherwise i would get them both spayed mate . And introduce them on the grass where its neutral. I know what its like i have 2 groups cos i have one jill that will rag any ferrets outside her group. Leaves punture marks bleeding. Goid luck with em.

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ive had a problem with a fert my mate gave me a while ago..she gets along with all my ferts except one of last years Jills..everytime the jill passes her she gives her a whack..ive had to seperate them because the newcomer was taking a beating too often for my liking...its strange because the jill thats being aggresive is great with all other ferts and has never been aggresive with any other whilst working. . . Ive tried alsorts so far..forcing them together in the box,keeping 3 togther in hutch,all together etc etc and the little bugger just cant resist having a little shake everytime it passes her.. it wouldn t be so bad if she were a better worker than the newcomer...but she isnt..and if she dont pack it in soon..I will move her on..and keep the newcomer instead. . . .


I have noticed one thing that might have some bearing on the behavour..the new jill is very mardy and deffensive/submissive,She winces and squeeks when any of the others even jump over her in the nest box as if she,s being hurt sometimes..Maybe my other jill sees her as weak and wants to dominate her even more when she squeels and submits so easily. . . Yet out in the warrens she is a little demon who will work as like a good un and kills them very easily. . . funny little things they are.


I will be happy if they can all get along eventually.

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