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What I'd like to know is this, what's the UK's plan to pay future pensions AND deal with it's debt level?


Answers on a postcard by close of business Monday please :hmm:


Well that's a huge time bomb for sure. There is no 'pension pot' for the public sector. They pay a paltry amount in and will get a % of their final sallery till the day they die...all inflation linked of course. My brother in law is a policeman and its laughable when he talks about how much he has to put in. I have to pay 25% of my wages in to mine to have any chance of a pension.


Anyway the problem is that goverments are scared to make big changes to pensions or the public sector.


The answer is that countries like the average joe need to live within their means and stop borrowing on the strength of the economy allways growing...thats why our interest payments are still increasing. Economic growth hasnt returned to the level they expected.



In theory I have no problem with a european union of trade but i think the parliment is an anti democratic digrace and very corrupt. Also different economies with the same currency is a bad idea. Its bad enough just within the uk where the wages in cities are much higher than rural areas yet we have similar living costs! Europe is like that but ten fold.


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Very true!!

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What I'd like to know is this, what's the UK's plan to pay future pensions AND deal with it's debt level?


Answers on a postcard by close of business Monday please :hmm:

dont worry about the the uk bud we have got out of the shit many times oh and we have a little plot of land called the city of london !

........it was the city of London that put us in the shit ....it is a total ponzie lie that the city pays it,s way .....don,t fall for it!!
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