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If ye can manage to get yer heads around it, the reason ye are lending money is to defer (more) pain at home due to a loss of export markets. The trick to that play is for good times to arrive, the longer that takes, the more puckered and squeaky things become :laugh:

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I was uming and aring as to who to vote for, now i think i have decided.

Just because someone is against mass uncontrolled immigration, does not make them racist.

Nigel Farage declares war on Cameron!   "[David Cameron] alone in British politics today continues to throw this slur at us that because we believe in not having our law set in Europe and controllin

What I'd like to know is this, what's the UK's plan to pay future pensions


We've already got that covered, we start working the elderly to death so they never get it.. ;)


AND deal with it's debt level?


Prayers? :(:laugh:

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Sorry to be pessimistic, but its all over bar the shouting. We have entered a debt (death) spiral, where the government is borrowing money (8.6 billion last month http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2012/nov/21/uk-government-borrowing-monthly-rises) to pay off interest on previous borrowing.

Each time they take out a loan the interest rate goes up. http://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1970886

Now i'm no economist, but even i can see we are on the verge of total economic collapse.

The mad thing is this 'money' was created out of thin air !

An article that goes some way to offring a solution ? http://www.ukcolumn.org/article/bankers-bradburys-carnage-and-slaughter-western-front

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Everything should be put back the way it was :laugh: , it wasn,t that bad going on holidays trying to work out drachmas,paceta,s etc seemed to get a bit for your money then :thumbs: ..things have f*****g changed and i,m always skint i blame that f*****g euro :cray::D

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Italy is borrowing money at 7% to lend to Spain at 3%. This is the madness of the EU/ECB/Euro.



This is true, crazy or what !!.......that's euro economics at its very best

crazy?? no its f****d up, most of this debit euro stuff go's over my head, and our own debit here, but even i know you don't lend money to get out of debit, but the thing that gets me, is why if we are skint, why are we still handing out money to others!

we've all falling on hard times, i'm just getting back on my feet now after a few months off and i never lent money out when i was skint


edit and why are we robbing the poor and old, the bankers f****d us, so they should pay it all back


I think the point most people miss is that when we borrow money we feel obligated to pay it back out of our own hard earned wages.......these people don't give a f**k mate, IT'S YOUR MONEY they are f*****g about with, it don't mean shit to them!

fxck me thas more faces than the market clock

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What I'd like to know is this, what's the UK's plan to pay future pensions


We've already got that covered, we start working the elderly to death so they never get it.. ;)


AND deal with it's debt level?


Prayers? :(:laugh:


Yeah, that's doing the rounds. My Dad is 78, 79 next July, he still works the farm and he'll die on it too. But, retire him ten years ago? He wouldn't be alive today.

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Everything should be put back the way it was :laugh: , it wasn,t that bad going on holidays trying to work out drachmas,paceta,s etc seemed to get a bit for your money then :thumbs: ..things have f*****g changed and i,m always skint i blame that f*****g euro :cray::D


Yet when I go to Italy, Spain, or Greece, I say thank God for the Euro, I can go with the money in my pocket and not have any problems :D

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What I'd like to know is this, what's the UK's plan to pay future pensions AND deal with it's debt level?


Answers on a postcard by close of business Monday please :hmm:

dont worry about the the uk bud we have got out of the shit many times oh and we have a little plot of land called the city of london !
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What I'd like to know is this, what's the UK's plan to pay future pensions AND deal with it's debt level?


Answers on a postcard by close of business Monday please :hmm:

dont worry about the the uk bud we have got out of the shit many times oh and we have a little plot of land called the city of london !


You have indeed :thumbs: But mark my words, they ain't worried about no man 'cept themselves and that includes you, me and everyone else on here.


The only reason I posed those two questions was it seemed some in the UK think the UK has NO challenges to face, they have, and they're not going to solve themselves.

Edited by JohnGalway
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I think the tossing aside of the Gold standard is to blame for all this. It was the best and worst decision ever taken. The best because it allowed unparalleled growth, the worst as it also allowed unparalleled greed which has seen "made up money" try to satisfy.


A finite resource can be a good thing.

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