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looking forward to going out today

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taking my 2 young jills out today going to try the headge rows on the camp site as its closed for rest of the year and i can at last get to a open set of around 25 holes ( I HOPE ) lets hope the dog and poalcats are up for it as much as me LOL full report with pics later !!!

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evening all , well today went rather not the way we pland ,me and my brother mick and his lad bailey my son callum pluse took our callums mate for his first time hunting of any kind. got to the camp site at about 8:30 frosty as hell and reading -3 on the car and the kids shivering like a willow tree in gale force winds. we set of around the site looking for some hedgerow warrens as we were not allowed when the camp site is open,came across the first set 6 holes good to start the day with neted up and in went jenny the polecat jill i got of rabbitcatcher1,two mins later loud thumping and out came the first of the day but that was it so of to a tree set i know again just the one bunny ! any way of to the big set on the top of a hill its a good walk up at the best of times but with the frost man it was unreal as our callum found out when he rolled all the way back down so for safety we left it be . so we whent in the woods near the owners house where there is a 12 hole warren netted up and in went jessy my other poley one out with in seconds but net snaged on a root and of it went , loads of thumping as if they running one side of the set to the outher so put jenny in too two rabbits in the nets with the help molly my jackrussel as the peg pulled and it was rolling down the bank of she went after with callum and his mate hot on her heels untill the both went flying in the thicket and ended up with more bramble spelks in them than holes in a tea bag any all went dead out came jenny but no jessy so out came the finder and after a short serch she was 2ft down near one of the holes or so i thought looking in the hole i could see a bunnys head so draged it out with jessy hanging on for dear life lol so we decided to call it a day with 5 bunnys in the bag a few cuts and scraps to the kids it ended up a good day ,waiting for our mike to email the pics so i can put them on to show you PS waiting for our callums mate to come round to find out what he thought of it but the smile on his face when the rabbits bolt i think he enjoyd it

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it was bloody frezzing mate our callum was saying how cold his hands were so made him some gloves gutted two rabbits and said her son put them on so he did haaaaaa well that just warmed us up laghing but its hard for the kids standing stairing at a hole hoping a buny jumps out wher iam like a head less chicken lol

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