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If it puts gear in the bag does it really matter if it yaps? No it isn't really what you want but then again a dog that can't jump or retrieve or kill 50 rabbits or 5/5 hares or pull a Fallow buck sin

Agreed ..and so is jibbing/jacking,non retrieving,hunting up on the lamp,pulling up at fences for a coursing dog,not following into cover,not jumping,pulling on a slip,not taking ALL quarry,being a b

Very good idea. It gets used to them quickly or it breaks its neck. Genius!

No different to 3 or 4 chavs with their big macho bull x's walking the fields shouting and mouthing about their daily intake of steroids and what their 80lb dog would do with a 14lb fox lol...if you don't mind I'll take the wee yapper anyday haha

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No different to 3 or 4 chavs with their big macho bull x's walking the fields shouting and mouthing about their daily intake of steroids and what their 80lb dog would do with a 14lb fox lol...if you don't mind I'll take the wee yapper anyday haha

maybe not...........but were not talking about that.......... :blink: a pretty stupid comparison if you ask me.............. :thumbs:

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Guest bigdaddylongchopper

No different to 3 or 4 chavs with their big macho bull x's walking the fields shouting and mouthing about their daily intake of steroids and what their 80lb dog would do with a 14lb fox lol...if you don't mind I'll take the wee yapper anyday haha

maybe not...........but were not talking about that.......... :blink: a pretty stupid comparison if you ask me.............. :thumbs:


a very childish comparison if you ask me,the sort a collie owner would make :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Guest bigdaddylongchopper

a very childish comparison if you ask me,the sort a collie owner would make :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:




you left out trackie wearing but your almost bang on fella :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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If it puts gear in the bag does it really matter if it yaps? No it isn't really what you want but then again a dog that can't jump or retrieve or kill 50 rabbits or 5/5 hares or pull a Fallow buck single handed isn't either lol...I've been around dogs for a good old few years and I'm yet to see the "perfect" dog..just get on with the job with the tools available to you..ATB Andy


Excellent quote.... :thumbs:

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