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Jae B not if your where your allowed to be it wont..lamping,driving the fields day or night,poaching,trespassing even driving home with game or getting a knock on your door etc could all land you in a cell lol..

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If it puts gear in the bag does it really matter if it yaps? No it isn't really what you want but then again a dog that can't jump or retrieve or kill 50 rabbits or 5/5 hares or pull a Fallow buck sin

Agreed ..and so is jibbing/jacking,non retrieving,hunting up on the lamp,pulling up at fences for a coursing dog,not following into cover,not jumping,pulling on a slip,not taking ALL quarry,being a b

Very good idea. It gets used to them quickly or it breaks its neck. Genius!

If it puts gear in the bag does it really matter if it yaps? No it isn't really what you want but then again a dog that can't jump or retrieve or kill 50 rabbits or 5/5 hares or pull a Fallow buck single handed isn't either lol...I've been around dogs for a good old few years and I'm yet to see the "perfect" dog..just get on with the job with the tools available to you..ATB Andy

it could put gear in the bag yes but could also put you in the cells lol

I think the law are more likely to spot the million candle light being blasted around the countryside than they are to hear a daft yap

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If it puts gear in the bag does it really matter if it yaps? No it isn't really what you want but then again a dog that can't jump or retrieve or kill 50 rabbits or 5/5 hares or pull a Fallow buck single handed isn't either lol...I've been around dogs for a good old few years and I'm yet to see the "perfect" dog..just get on with the job with the tools available to you..ATB Andy

it could put gear in the bag yes but could also put you in the cells lol

I think the law are more likely to spot the million candle light being blasted around the countryside than they are to hear a daft yap

what brings the law out in the first place \\\\keepers woke by yappy dogs lol
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If it puts gear in the bag does it really matter if it yaps? No it isn't really what you want but then again a dog that can't jump or retrieve or kill 50 rabbits or 5/5 hares or pull a Fallow buck single handed isn't either lol...I've been around dogs for a good old few years and I'm yet to see the "perfect" dog..just get on with the job with the tools available to you..ATB Andy

it could put gear in the bag yes but could also put you in the cells lol

I think the law are more likely to spot the million candle light being blasted around the countryside than they are to hear a daft yap

what brings the law out in the first place \\\\keepers woke by yappy dogs lol

lol OK mate if you say so.,,, A yap can probably not be heard after 200 yards a beam can be seem for miles. We talking little frustrated yaps not full on howling at the moon lol

What wakes up keepers is people calling their phones in the early hours saying they have seen a 300 yard beam waving about on their patch

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lol ok [bANNED TEXT] if you say so imo a wouldnt keep a dog that yipped maybe you would\\\\atb with your yipper

Got nothing to do with what anyone would keep or not. No body has said anything about keeping or thinking yappers are any good.

All I am saying is that you are in cloud cuckoo land if you think that yapping will bring more unwanted attention than a million candle power lamp beam.


The guy that lives next door to me is a retired copper that did the rural beat around here for over 20 years. He said what they used to do is park up on high ground with as much of a full circle of view as possible, switch off all their lights and just watch for beams. Maybe they should have spoken to you and listened out for the yaps lol

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If it puts gear in the bag does it really matter if it yaps? No it isn't really what you want but then again a dog that can't jump or retrieve or kill 50 rabbits or 5/5 hares or pull a Fallow buck single handed isn't either lol...I've been around dogs for a good old few years and I'm yet to see the "perfect" dog..just get on with the job with the tools available to you..ATB Andy


yeh true, they all got( somthing) , prob why we all keep( looking) for somthing (better) than what we already got . :yes:

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If it puts gear in the bag does it really matter if it yaps? No it isn't really what you want but then again a dog that can't jump or retrieve or kill 50 rabbits or 5/5 hares or pull a Fallow buck single handed isn't either lol...I've been around dogs for a good old few years and I'm yet to see the "perfect" dog..just get on with the job with the tools available to you..ATB Andy

it could put gear in the bag yes but could also put you in the cells lol

I think the law are more likely to spot the million candle light being blasted around the countryside than they are to hear a daft yap

what brings the law out in the first place \\\\keepers woke by yappy dogs lol

just stay a couple of fields away from the keepers house then. late on in the winter its cold and most people have there windows shut anyway. ive been out with yappers and never had any problems with them waking any body up. aslong as its catching plenty it shouldnt really matter imo.

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