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I have been wondering about why Whites are racists, and no other race is......

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Its all down to white guilt, yea we did take alot in the past, but just look at what we have done for them, and are still doing for them,

I mean blacks go on about being used as slaves and how their families were dragged here because of it, but like i have said to many who have said that to me, well you could be liven over their and liven in mud huts starving, but theirs nothing stopping you from going over and liven their now so why not?? funny none of them are wanting to move!

I'm just sick of poor me i'm hard done by!

I've no problem with any color, and tbh the lefty whites are the problem !

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Each to their own but personally I blame the british government for any plundering of other nations same as I blame them for our troubles with immigration now. White people need to start seeing themselves as the minority not the other way around we are 7-8% of the world population down from 30% 40 years ago we are in danger of dying out as we don't reproduce enough and the others breed like rabbits as well as race mixing which I don't understand. Why would you want your children to not look like you but like I said each to their own.

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I used to be pretty tolerant but over the years due in part to immigrants attitudes and in part to the goverments attitude as well as other factors such as imigrants from countrys with high incidences of hiv & aids coming over here as if we arent bad enough! My tolerance is pretty low for imigrants from african and asian countrys in particular

I wouldnt say I hate them but despise would be a good word for my feelings toward them in recent years

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The origanal slave tackers where black sailors taking white fisherman and most of the slaves shipped to America where sold there by there own tribes anyway that was so long ago it shouldn't matter they have had long enough to get over it and get there acts together it's time they stopped moaning about the white man the problem is its cool to be black whites embrace black culture while ignoring there own in the name of tolerance so there children grow up exposed to black culture and learning nothing of there own so you end up whith wite kids wearing jeans round there ass caps on sideways saying bloodclot in a black accent

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This slave shit pisses me off how far back do they want to go back to the Romans taking Britons and celts? Before? What about all the white slaves that were sent to America and Australia for vomiting crime and sentences to do many years hard labour most never got out of it because more time kept being added on for petty things so many lived out their lives in servitude. people keep dating it was the British people that plundered this that the other but really it was a few people at the top and early multi nationals like the west India company that drive our foreign policy. Look how we was treated in our country from 16th century MADD land clearances drove into inner city slums

working from kids over 12 hours a day in cotton mills down mines in hugely unsafe conditions but even after all that if it wasn't for the British and starting the industrial revolution where would the world be now? And old empire countries gained also by infrastructure education eradicating what was even then barbaric practices (burning their wives alive in India) so can't wait till the rest of us wake up because I'm seeing the shift to people that have

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This slave shit pisses me off how far back do they want to go back to the Romans taking Britons and celts? Before? What about all the white slaves that were sent to America and Australia for vomiting crime and sentences to do many years hard labour most never got out of it because more time kept being added on for petty things so many lived out their lives in servitude. people keep dating it was the British people that plundered this that the other but really it was a few people at the top and early multi nationals like the west India company that drive our foreign policy. Look how we was treated in our country from 16th century MADD land clearances drove into inner city slums

working from kids over 12 hours a day in cotton mills down mines in hugely unsafe conditions but even after all that if it wasn't for the British and starting the industrial revolution where would the world be now? And old empire countries gained also by infrastructure education eradicating what was even then barbaric practices (burning their wives alive in India) so can't wait till the rest of us wake up because I'm seeing the shift to people that have

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