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New Defiant pellets.

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Seen a post on airgunbbs for new pellets, the ad reads as follows

....new air rifle pellet from Prometheus Pellets (Pax Guns) of London. This is essentially a re-working of the previously extremely popular and successful Daystate 'Rangemaster' .177 pellet which was so successful on the Field Target circuit. Being the same as the 'Rangemaster' therefore, the new Defiant HFT (Hunter Field Target) 'Competition Grade' is a .177 calibre 8.5 grain (0.55 grams) pellet, being a further development of the already successful 7.5 grain Defiant pellet, which is made in 3 head sizes and with a split skirt. (See seperate listing) The Defiant HFT weighs one grain more than the standard Defiant, and does not have the split skirt. As befits the name, it has been produced to offer a high quality British rival to the admittedly excellent JSB/Air Arms 8.5g pellet, and as such offers outstanding accuracy; flat trajectory and excellent 'wind bucking' properties. It is equally suitable for spring piston/gas ram air rifles, as well as pre charged guns. When the 'Rangemaster' was previously on sale it retailed at around £16 - £18 per box of 500! The new 'HFT' is £9.75 for a similar quantity however, and is available in 2 head sizes, namely 4.50mm (Silver label) and 4.52mm (Gold label)

I bought some off the bay, the 4.52 for my hw99. I recommend giving them a go. expensive but the most accurate pellet i have shot in this rifle. ragged 1 hole groups of 5 shots at 20 yds seated at table and resting on my elbows, even when i fluffed a shot and pulled it, it was far tighter to the group than my usual supermags.



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Tried em darryl, they grouped like a shotty spread along with all the other jsb/air arms types that I tried. So far it's ftt's or accupell/crossman premiers as a close second. I always hope that my g

Pax does Test All it Pellets in most known air Guns before Launching them on the Public   From our Own Stock Guns - And my Club Membership @ Lea Valley They get to Try New Pellets are they come off

Mine arrived without issue.... Ordered 4.52s and was surprised to also get a sample pack of 4.50 too!!!   Cheers Bob.... Will give them a good run and let you know the outcome.   Darryl

if theyre anything like the Ogive I'll give them a wide berth....



I'm the same mate. Ogives were continually plugged as the next thing and they were crap in my Superten. Quick barrel clean...full barrel clean and hundreds of pellets down range and still couldn't get them to group.


They do look great though if you want line them up on the mantle ;+)

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The old Defiants (lead) were brilliant in my T10 though - 50 yard groups of one ragged hole. in the SLR98 they group really well too and very efficient through the air. I haven't tried the Ogive ones, but I can't see why they are rubish - they just won't suit some rifles,like any pellet, PLUS it is IMPERATIVE you get the right head size for th ebarrel. That Scorpion used the L size (.22 which I think were 5.53) If i used the M sized ones those groups went to 3" at 30 yards - it isn't the fact the pellet is bad, just not right for that barrel. The SLR uses L size too (or should I say MY SLR uses L size, otherwise same thing, rubbish results).


So, don't give up. Try a different head size if they work you will be amazed at how accurate and stable they are.

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Like any Pellet Or Gun nothing works in All Guns or Gun Fire All Pellets


The New HFT Defiants are the same Design as made for Daystate Rangemasters Several years ago


When they Marketed them nearly £20.00 per tin


They are Made from Quality Lead Wire Stamped out with Single Dies from Laser measured Sluges

So will All be the Same - Unlike most Wasted Pelleted that are Rolled from Multi Heads


They are All Made in England - Under Archay Road - London N 6


For those Interested - Check out www.defiantpellets.com

Forum Board - For Best Deals


My Current offer of £10.oo Uk Posted for Cash

£13.00 Payment via Cheque - For All Defiants Still Stands for Board Users


I have even done mixed Boxes of the New HFT Rounds - 250 of each Head Size in one Box

Same Price -



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There are currently over 40 Different Air Gun Pellets Made by Pax Guns


And more Designs are in pipeline - As requests and orders come in -


Majority are made from Lead - While Able


No great advert's in UK Air Gun Press - As Majority are Exported overseas


Yes some are reboxed with Different Labels


All Are Bullet Shaped and Made from Quality Wire and Stamped out on Single Dies


What was Exterminators / Then Logun Penetrators are Now Marketed by Rangeright

As - Rangeright Exterminators -



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I'm not so sure. I know they were plugged a lot on there but if you read the thread/posts of most of the people that actually tried them then you will see that a lot of people didn't like them.


They didn't work for me after a full barrel clean and hundreds of pellets fired.

Edited by AirgunGuy
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The defiant range of pellets seem to suit BSA more than any other gun


Reason they Can work Well in BSA's is that John Bowkett - Supplied Guns for Design and Test work


And I Supply Pellets for John Bowkett to supply Test Cards of Serviced Guns that He Works on



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Are people who say they did not work for them talking about the new type, the HFT competition, I have not tried any other types including the ogives, but these ones worked for me, as had be said, each barrel, even including same model and identical specification can prefer different pellets, I must just be lucky :)

Just a pity it I have not found a cheap brand it loves

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I doubt if many on this Board or others have Tried the New HFT Pellets

As Only been out a Few Weeks


No Shops Selling them yet Only myself & Slugun Selling them -


Bullet Design touches Front & Back and needs to Find Rifling for Speed & Accuracy


They are 20% plus Faster in Flight than normal Wasted Design


And as many have found really Stop Air Gun Vermin when hit in the right Place -



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