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Aviary Floor And Question's

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The cover looks nice and thick and as for the pelmet your'll have to see how the birds cope with it really but it does look nice and snug up in there so they should take to it,if you look at my pics your'll see the big feeders i use and i'll grab a couple for you mate as i have to get you your food stuffs anyway and hung like your water drinker it'll be easy to top up from your feeding hatch.

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Here is a few pic's from today...i have opened the two flight's up next to each other so they have more room to fly about.. .     Two mule Goldies and a irish fancy hen on the teazel     Lu

Here's a pic or two showing a exstention i added to my aviary and the roof bit i left open and this i'm splitting in two and then i'll be changing the layout of the rest of it by spring next year and

This is where i am upto for now..doing it on my own does not help and these dark night's are a ball ache when you want to crack on..not too worry though i will get there in the end..  

Funny enough Reddawn i had my first native sparrow in there yesterday but it was a dunnock not a housey..i had left the door's open and it got trapped in there..i could of kept the little fellow if i wanted too but i thought best to let it do what it wanted and find it's own way out..it was a lucky one really because i do like the song on them bird's and i plan on keeping some eventualy.. :thumbs:

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  On 14/12/2012 at 19:13, gnipper said:

If you want any hen mules to fill up the flights/foster as your travelling past millet give us a shout.

Many thank's for that Gnipper.. :victory: ..i would of snapped your hand's of with that offer but i am not really a mule kind of person..(well not yet anyway).. :hmm: ..i'm more into the native pure breed side of thing's..and one of my favourite's are Fire crest's but i can't find any info anywhere of anyone keeping or breeding them in captivity..another one which is my favourite is the drab coloured Wren i would fooking love to keep some of them also if it was ever possible..thank's again.. :thumbs:

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I'd have a wager he's still driving duggy,a good 5 hours each way and have to say again i think Millet has gone beyond the call of duty with his efforts with this lot of the auction :yes: and i wish him all the very best with his new birds :victory: .

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  On 16/12/2012 at 18:20, fireman said:

I'd have a wager he's still driving duggy,a good 5 hours each way and have to say again i think Millet has gone beyond the call of duty with his efforts with this lot of the auction :yes: and i wish him all the very best with his new birds :victory: .

i admire the way he did`nt feck about with his bids or the build -- now 10 hours on the road makes these if only you where closer comments on for sale threads look a bit silly .. well done millit :thumbs: i hope you get many hours of pleasure from the birds for your efforts ....
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