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Aviary Floor And Question's

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Here is a few pic's from today...i have opened the two flight's up next to each other so they have more room to fly about.. .     Two mule Goldies and a irish fancy hen on the teazel     Lu

Here's a pic or two showing a exstention i added to my aviary and the roof bit i left open and this i'm splitting in two and then i'll be changing the layout of the rest of it by spring next year and

This is where i am upto for now..doing it on my own does not help and these dark night's are a ball ache when you want to crack on..not too worry though i will get there in the end..  

Looking better than my aviary :victory: and with the snow your'll see how the wet will come in and suit the flights for it,as for the birds there ok here until your totaly ready for them mate so don't fret yourself on a time limit. :thumbs:

Here's some pics of the netting i use in places as a wind break



and other bits around different parts of the other aviary.




3 birds in the last pic,can you spot them? :laugh:

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  On 05/12/2012 at 17:02, the_stig said:

nearly done get the doors made up in the living room tonight ;)

I need the roof done first mate so i can keep dry while doing the deviding wall's inside..and i won't know the exact size of the door's till i get the frame work built..

They will only be one big double door system on the outside and the internal door's will be half the height..finger's crossed the weather shape's up tomorrow..it was not so much the snow today but the northerly wind's made it hard work trying to get them sheet's on.. :thumbs:

Edited by Millet
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  On 05/12/2012 at 17:13, fireman said:

Looking better than my aviary :victory: and with the snow your'll see how the wet will come in and suit the flights for it,as for the birds there ok here until your totaly ready for them mate so don't fret yourself on a time limit. :thumbs:

Here's some pics of the netting i use in places as a wind break



and other bits around different parts of the other aviary.




3 birds in the last pic,can you spot them? :laugh:

Top left / top right and a bully at the bottom.. :thumbs: ..


Many thank's for keeping hold of them bird's for me.. ;) ..it does take the heat of me a little bit but i am like a big kid here and i want them here yesterday.. :D

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The weather was half ok today so i got the roof finnished and the internal door's..i'll the get the double door built tomorrow then lash another coat of stainer on then all the mesh can be stapled on aswell as painting the back a greenish colour..i should be done tomorrow then i can get the garden tidied back up.. :boogy:



Edited by Millet
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  On 06/12/2012 at 16:43, Millet said:

The weather was half ok today so i got the roof finnished and the internal door's..i'll the get the double door built tomorrow then lash another coat of stainer on then all the mesh can be stapled on..i should be done tomorrow then i can get the garden tidied back up.. :boogy:



:thumbs: :thumbs: looking good ..
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It should of been finished today Duggy but it pissed down lastnight and washed all the wood stainer off and it has pissed down again today so i could not restain it..i did get nearly all of the double door system done and all i need to do now is make one more door/stain it and stick all the mesh on..weather permitting it should be done tomorrow.. :whistling: ..


Also Fireman i have got a pile of that green netting..enough to do about 10 aviaries i think.. :D

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