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Ferret nibbling

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Even though she bites, do you manage to get the collar on? If so, keep going at it. And put it on her daily and let her play with it on. If your not even getting it on, try putting a small amount of olive oil on her belly and wait until she is licking it off, then try putting the collar on. Again, keep doing until she is used to it.


Atb BB

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Yeah I get the collar on but it's a bit of a struggle she is only 4 and s half month old her sister is no bother putting the collar on.i will try the olive oil tommorow on her and see if that will let me get it on her cheers bunny boiler:)

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Get the collar ready into a loop so you just have to slip it over her head and your fingers wont be in front of her face . tighten it up and your there but as she clicks the collar means going out she should stop biting

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