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Hi all, I have got a ferret with pneumonia.


I have been reading ideations post and have been doing everything that was suggested.


She is on anti biopics, hills a/d every few hours and water as well.


She does not seem to be getting any better, she is so weak, just lies there breathing very fast.


She seems to have lost control of her back end, she also seems to be wetting et self but little solids.


She's been on the anti biopics for 2 weeks and I'm wondering whether they are doing any good.


Basically I want to knowing there is anything else I can do or is it just a case of sticking with it. I hate to think that she is suffering.


Is they're anything a vet can do for her?


Many thanks


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If you've seen a vet and are doing as he suggests, then stick at it. If you havent seen him, i recommend going ASAP. In my exprience, ferrets either become lively again very fast, or get worse very fast, there is no slow period, so if you want to be very caring, you do what Jai (Ideation) did and check up on her every few hours, even the small hours of the morning. Also, if you find one of my posts on his topic about distemper, and check those signs so you can rule it out, just for the saftey of the other ferrets/dogs you own.


Hope your sitution gets better.

Atb, BB

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She has seen the vet but has gone down hill again.


Checked against the symptoms of CD and I'm fairly confident it's not that.


I just don't want her to be suffering, I don't mind putting in the hours.


Il stick at it and see how she is in a few days


Thanks for the advice



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Did vet mention if it was viral or bacterial pneumonia? Do you have to force feed or will she take the a/d willingly? Recommend as much a/d as she will take every 2hrs. Tend to make it a 50/50 mix with luke warm water and syringe if she won't eat it herself.


Rapid breathing, weakness and loss of hindlimb use are all normal symptoms of pneumonia. However, if you can try to ensure she doesn't lie asleep for too long in one position or on one side, but seeing as you tend to her every 90 mins, you're doing all you can.


Are the antibiotics injected or oral?


You must be knackered, ATB.

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Anti biotics are oral. She is not feeding herself, I am seringing. She seems to take it quite well.


She had pooed this morning at 6 which I wa pleased about. I have to go by the vets today so I'm gunna drop in dodge can have a look


She has been on the anti biotics for 2 weeks now with no improvent so I'm wondering if the vet will want to change them.


Really hope I can pull her through this.



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