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Coursing in Spain or Portugal

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The Spanish torture to death, the authorities say 50,000 the rescues say about 100,000 coursing dogs a year in the most barbaric ways imaginable. Look on You Tube under Galgos. I'd steer clear if you like dogs.

The Spanish torture to death, the authorities say 50,000 the rescues say about 100,000 coursing dogs a year in the most barbaric ways imaginable. Look on You Tube under Galgos. I'd steer clear if you like dogs.

Stop portraying the Spanish to be monsters. They are hardly going to kidnap his dog and torture it for their amusement. I also lived there and I didn't see any signs of coursing dogs being killed. Spain has a HUGE problem with dogs. There are strays EVERYWHERE. Not just coursing dogs. Dogs are free to roam where they like and are hardly ever spade. This results in lots of litters and nowhere to keep them. Dogs are often left on the dry riverbeds to fend for themselves. All kinds of dogs. Not just coursing dogs.


Yes there are cases of dogs being found in bad states... hanging burning etc, but like anywhere, these are obviously people who don't care about animals We get these kinds of people everywhere unfortunately, not just in Spain. Not everyone who owns coursing dogs or participates in Hare coursing takes their dogs to the woods to get a frill out of torturing it. Why blame entire population or sport just because some people have no respect for animals.


It makes me laugh when people automatically link a few news articles to coursing and try to blame the sport. In fact, these are the exact stories that are being used to try and BAN hare coursing in Spain. But I think you already knew that...

Edited by Matt3699
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Stop portraying the Spanish to be monsters. They are hardly going to kidnap his dog and torture it for their amusement. I also lived there and I didn't see any signs of coursing dogs being killed. Spa

Helen,what you may have trouble believing,ignorance and prejudice seems far more reasonable to a closed mind,the vast majority of hunting folk not only detest but find no common ground with these sort

Right, I am trying to organise a trip out there. Just trying to find some contacts. I would be interested in running the dogs privately or in a competition depending on the rules to whether lurchers c

I dont doubt what you say Helen, there are despicable people all over the world, but i think you should be careful of tarring a whole country with the same brush. If you believed what LACS say about us then we are no better. In reality there are many people who care about the welfare of their hunting dogs but, sadly, some who treat them barbaricaly. In my experience its better to take each person as an individual and judge them on their own merits

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Make that 3 tyla,,, in fact in the shooting opertunites section , a chap from a Spanish sporting estate put up a thread about hunting holidays over a year ago,,, I answered, but never herd anything , in fact. Don't think he ever came back on.,,,


Be a good crack going over there, for a week of coursing hare deer rabbit ect....

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The Spanish torture to death, the authorities say 50,000 the rescues say about 100,000 coursing dogs a year in the most barbaric ways imaginable. Look on You Tube under Galgos. I'd steer clear if you like dogs.

The Spanish torture to death, the authorities say 50,000 the rescues say about 100,000 coursing dogs a year in the most barbaric ways imaginable. Look on You Tube under Galgos. I'd steer clear if you like dogs.

Stop portraying the Spanish to be monsters. They are hardly going to kidnap his dog and torture it for their amusement. I also lived there and I didn't see any signs of coursing dogs being killed. Spain has a HUGE problem with dogs. There are strays EVERYWHERE. Not just coursing dogs. Dogs are free to roam where they like and are hardly ever spade. This results in lots of litters and nowhere to keep them. Dogs are often left on the dry riverbeds to fend for themselves. All kinds of dogs. Not just coursing dogs.


Yes there are cases of dogs being found in bad states... hanging burning etc, but like anywhere, these are obviously people who don't care about animals We get these kinds of people everywhere unfortunately, not just in Spain. Not everyone who owns coursing dogs or participates in Hare coursing takes their dogs to the woods to get a frill out of torturing it. Why blame entire population or sport just because some people have no respect for animals.


It makes me laugh when people automatically link a few news articles to coursing and try to blame the sport. In fact, these are the exact stories that are being used to try and BAN hare coursing in Spain. But I think you already knew that...


what they do to the dogs when they no longer any good for racing, is hang them from trees .by the neck . fact they are cruel feckers , if the dogs have got to be killed at least do it (humane) shoot or gas it .!

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The Spanish torture to death, the authorities say 50,000 the rescues say about 100,000 coursing dogs a year in the most barbaric ways imaginable. Look on You Tube under Galgos. I'd steer clear if you like dogs.

The Spanish torture to death, the authorities say 50,000 the rescues say about 100,000 coursing dogs a year in the most barbaric ways imaginable. Look on You Tube under Galgos. I'd steer clear if you like dogs.

Stop portraying the Spanish to be monsters. They are hardly going to kidnap his dog and torture it for their amusement. I also lived there and I didn't see any signs of coursing dogs being killed. Spain has a HUGE problem with dogs. There are strays EVERYWHERE. Not just coursing dogs. Dogs are free to roam where they like and are hardly ever spade. This results in lots of litters and nowhere to keep them. Dogs are often left on the dry riverbeds to fend for themselves. All kinds of dogs. Not just coursing dogs.


Yes there are cases of dogs being found in bad states... hanging burning etc, but like anywhere, these are obviously people who don't care about animals We get these kinds of people everywhere unfortunately, not just in Spain. Not everyone who owns coursing dogs or participates in Hare coursing takes their dogs to the woods to get a frill out of torturing it. Why blame entire population or sport just because some people have no respect for animals.


It makes me laugh when people automatically link a few news articles to coursing and try to blame the sport. In fact, these are the exact stories that are being used to try and BAN hare coursing in Spain. But I think you already knew that...


what they do to the dogs when they no longer any good for racing, is hang them from trees .by the neck . fact they are cruel feckers , if the dogs have got to be killed at least do it (humane) shoot or gas it .!

Edited by Matt3699
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Bird don't you think most of that is the odd case ,,, rather than the norm....


As has already been said on here look how our own sports and hunters are often portrayed,,,,,in fact you could proberbly pic half a dozen threads on this site, where it's been removed for very unsavoury content,,,

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A favourite way to kill the dogs at the end of the hunting season is to put a stick in their mouths to keep them wide open and then leave them to die of thirst or leave them hanging by the neck with only their back feet touching the ground, they take bets on which one will die first. Or they are burned alive or thrown down wells. I lived there I know what I'm talking about.

Helen,what you may have trouble believing,ignorance and prejudice seems far more reasonable to a closed mind,the vast majority of hunting folk not only detest but find no common ground with these sort of mindless actions,in fact they would take appropriate action against anybody they came across practicing such barbarity,it has and never will have a place in the lives of the average hunter.Its better suited to draw a response from the ignorance of the types that the anti brigade attracts,you possibly know this,don,t you?.Id look for a more responsive audience for the drivel and anti hunting mis-information practiced by the real mindless minorities that have led to unneccessary animal suffering and cruelty that the Hunting Ban as led to.
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I'm not denying that it happens. I know it happens. But what do you mean by 'they'. You can't tare all Spanish Lurcher / Greyhound owners with the same brush. The bad stories always make the media. Just like here.


I know people with Lurchers in Spain. Even people that coursed. 'They' would never tread their dogs like that.


This is the very story being blown up and used by the anti's to try and enforce a ban in Spain.

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Bird don't you think most of that is the odd case ,,, rather than the norm....


As has already been said on here look how our own sports and hunters are often portrayed,,,,,in fact you could proberbly pic half a dozen threads on this site, where it's been removed for very unsavoury content,,,



Maybe so Tomo, only going on what ive read, but you might be right, because its from the greyhound rescue mag that pushed through my door couple times a year. So maybe its the Mag trying to bring down racing in General :yes: but it did show pics .!!

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You Tube -

Le quotidien des Galgos


Many more films on you tube, 50 to 100,000 isnt a few owners. My Galgo had been hung after having its testicles mutilated. Don't let paranoia blind you to sadistic cruelty. I hunt and if I decided to get rid of my dog I would have it pts or find it a home not take it out somewhere break its legs so it couldn't come back home and leave it to die. But everyone to their own ideas of basic human conscience.

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You Tube -

Le quotidien des Galgos


Many more films on you tube, 50 to 100,000 isnt a few owners. My Galgo had been hung after having its testicles mutilated. Don't let paranoia blind you to sadistic cruelty. I hunt and if I decided to get rid of my dog I would have it pts or find it a home not take it out somewhere break its legs so it couldn't come back home and leave it to die. But everyone to their own ideas of basic human conscience.


Helen sort your head out you are being led by Anti's who take the handful of cases which you are using to tar an entire nation including autonomous states with the same brush.


I've met and been out with some good guys and girls Basque, Catalan and Spanish never seen or heard any of them talking about murdering their dogs in gruesome ways and sticking a few Euros on the outcome. I have noticed a difference in quarry respect but not even close to borderline cruelty.


Bad apples in a cart don't ruin the whole batch ;)

Edited by mushroom
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Right, I am trying to organise a trip out there. Just trying to find some contacts. I would be interested in running the dogs privately or in a competition depending on the rules to whether lurchers can run competitively.


Read what you like about Spain or Portugal about dogs, it's words on the internet trying to ban coursing, more you believe it the better chance it will have the required affect.

No one will be taking my dog.


Any help appreciated and less of the anti's trying to derail my thread.

Helen, I am sure you hunt with your dog, mainly on the internet trying to get people to bite. Fact is I could put anything together on youtube and tell everyone it is true. I do believe not long ago they said people with working dogs treat them bad, even ferret rescues wouldn't let ferreters have ferrets from them.

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