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Labour MP threatens to ban ferreting and lamping

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Could have a good point there Max,one thing all political parties have in common is greed....if they were making money out of it things might go a different way :hmm: wouldnt want to pay to get out but its no different to buying a rod licence/day ticket to go fishing.Greasing the dirty lying feckers palms could be the way to go :thumbs:

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they'll never stop it even if they ban it. Their only wasting their own time.

Labour stopped being the party for the working man decades ago, anyone putting a cross in the box for this party needs to have a chat with themselves, this is the party that sponsored by the League Ag

the other thing is, this country is in a right state at the moment, and probably will be for quite some time......ferreting and ratting shouldn't even be in the thinking of any politician, how can tha

I remember Patricia Hewitt was interviewed when she was a Labour MP and Minister. She said it was the Labour Party's aim not only to ban hunting, but also shooting and fishing !! She then made a complete idiot of herself by also saying she would like pet ownership banned !! Including dogs, cats, horses, budgies, etc. When they realised what a vote looser that would be, (angling is the biggest participator sport in the UK), The Labour party said that was her view only, but didn't deny wanting to abolish shooting and fishing !! So whenever anyone thinks of voting Labour, remember this.



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Course it is mate, after all labour wouldnt f**k us over would they? They're in it for the 'working man'

Oh no wait, they already have!

are they the only party to f--k us over :hmm:


Thing is; we EXPECT the Tories to f**k us over...but Labour keep f*****g us over while claiming to be the party of the people !!



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Course it is mate, after all labour wouldnt f**k us over would they? They're in it for the 'working man'

Oh no wait, they already have!

are they the only party to f--k us over :hmm:

No they are all c**ts

But they are the only ones to ban hunting with dogs

Edited by lapin2008
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Was this a social experiment by skycat ? lol


Not at all: the man I spoke to couldn't remember the name of the MP who was bleating on about it being cruel to dogs getting bitten by rats, etc etc but it was on the radio: didn't ask him how long ago as we got ranting about the state of the country in general :censored::laugh: But I do remember that the MP also said that lamping should be banned because night time was the only respite wild animals had from being hunted: the usual misinformed bollocks that antis spout.

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just goes to show that those who are ment to be intelligent enuf to run our country are as thick as house bricks



Exactly wasteing Public Funds , taxes and Police time when there are Rapes, Murders, Child Abuse, Burgalrys,Violence to deal with.

I Honestly believe a lot of Politicians nowdays have their own views and become a politician as a means to their own agenda and not for the Good of the Country and Electorate they represent.

Any sensible Politician from any Party should be able to see that Reinstating Hunting will Create Jobs and Wealth,Free up Police time to hunt down Real Criminals. Save Taxes, whilst self manageing our Deminishing Green and Pleasant Land.

In the Process they could Generate 25 million plus per year every year.. for the Treasury by making it compulsory that everyone who wants to Hunt has a valid licence at £25 per annum.


For fooks sake the country is over run with rats and i dont mean Illegals.

They should start paying folk for killing rats .


Lee; I can never agree with having another licence/tax put upon the working classes ! We pay licence/tax on everything from telivision to road tax; we pay 20% tax on everything we buy, thru' VAT ! We have to pay a tax to fish, (rod licence),here in England, though I'm sure our Scottish brothers and sisters don't !! By having a "Huntining Licence", it will only cause more confusion and jobs for imbecile council jobsworths!! Imagine walking your dog and it catches a rabbit by mistake... and out of the hedge jumps the "Council Hunting Licence" enforcer, and hits you with an £80 on-the-spot fine !!?? For Gods sake, don't give these people any ideas for taxing us any more than they do now !! :thumbs:



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