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Labour MP threatens to ban ferreting and lamping

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I've just been talking to a friend from Lincolnshire. He told me he'd heard a radio interview with an MP (sorry, don't know which one) who said that Labour were determined to bring about a total ban on all forms of hunting with dogs: including rabbits and rats, when they get into power again.

Just wondered if anyone else had heard about this: apparently it is Labour Party Policy.

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they'll never stop it even if they ban it. Their only wasting their own time.

Labour stopped being the party for the working man decades ago, anyone putting a cross in the box for this party needs to have a chat with themselves, this is the party that sponsored by the League Ag

the other thing is, this country is in a right state at the moment, and probably will be for quite some time......ferreting and ratting shouldn't even be in the thinking of any politician, how can tha

I find it quite amusing that in the wake of the realisation that a ban that they introduced is unenforcable and a complete waste of money, they want to throw even more money down the drain by banning the humane hunting of two of the biggest pest species in the country. Why in gods name would they even consider banning the hunting or rats??? astonishing!

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Not surprising really, Labour are the ones that have constricted peoples lives for generations. They want to make sure everyone is the same so they can control you better. Then they can fiddle their finances and then tell you it's none of ypur business.

The whole labour party is formed on the idea that a group of middle class people didn't like the lower classes so they decided they wanted to bring them upto their level. Nothing to do with making things equal, just eliminating a 'type'.

Hunting with dogs is seen as a pursuit of the lower class and aristocrachy, both groups which Labour despise.

Edited by Richie10
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I feel sorry for the kids today, they got nothing to look forward to. All the sit that goes on in this country and they worry about a fee lads enjoying themselves getting out doing abit of hunting, terrible hopefully the c**ts will be dead buy time labour ever come in power again.

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the other thing is, this country is in a right state at the moment, and probably will be for quite some time......ferreting and ratting shouldn't even be in the thinking of any politician, how can that possibly be even worthy of a mention in the current climate????


illegal immigrants, mass unemployment, financial crisis, global warming...............sod all that, arthur killed a rat with his jack russell, it's an outrage, we must get into power and do something about that!!!! :censored:

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Every year Rabbits cost the taxpayer around £100 million / year in damage, Why would they ban it the f*****g retards. Lads on here could do a better job at running this f****d up country atb

now you're being silly, most of them can't even manage to walk and breath at the same time!!! :laugh: :laugh:

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