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dog running field, PLEASE HELP

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hya lads just wondering if any of you could help me, went lamping last night with a very good friend, my bitch run 11 and killed 10, my problem is when my mates dog misses weve got to wait about 10mins before the dog comes back, when she kills shes fine straight back to hand, for me its starting to get really frustrating i could of run another 10 rabbits last night, weve tried going back to basics but nothing has worked, and havent got the heart to tell him hes not coming if the dog doesnt stop , any advice PLEASE ,shaun

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If she's young and keen a 'war dance' with bunny or an extra swoop round a field 'just to make sure' is what she's trying to do.

It usually settles down, with good specks holding plenty of rabbits on a regular basis.

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Get a place with plenty of rabbits spaces out and have him out, in, out , in, out, in, out , in etc over and again. Get him back on the slip everytime, no matter what and straight onto another rabbits. Pick a good windy, wet night when his nose wont be so much use to him. Penny will soon drop and dog will get it that coming back means another run.

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ye mate the bitch is very fit, she nows shes done wrong because in they end the bitch cowars on the way back in, and she still does it if shes on her own shes coming up 2years old


bitch doesnt know its done wrong, it cowers because it knows he is going to be cross, and thats probably why it wont come back. i bet it gets loads of praise when it catches and brings back, and it gets praised when it comes back in the day and that is why it does these two things well. i suggest your mate starts to hold his temper and take the bitch out at night with no quarry or other dogs about and just patiently works on recall in the dark with no distractions. and he'll end up with a dog which comes back and doesnt cower!!!!!

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