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Genuine Talpex Traps

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I am looking to get some more genuine Talpex traps to add to the ones I got from ratbait.co.uk and found this site:-





On ratbait they are working out at £8.40 a trap + p&p where as on the site above they are about a fiver with no delivery cost. This makes me wonder if they really are genuine although they say they are on the site. I have emailed the company to ask a few questions along these lines - no reply yet. I tried ringing them too but did not get an answer which does not bode well.


Has anyone else on the forum bought from this company and if so what did you think?





p.s. They are also selling the same traps on ebay too and say "genuine".

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I might be maligning the guy, but I think these are Talpex 'Type' not genuine Talpex. It does say 'genuine' in the advert, but I think this is copy pasted word for word from the Ratbait site. The heading says Talpex 'type'.


Looking at his eBay feedback his negative feedback doesn't look too good. If there was a problem with your order then I don't see this guy helping you.


Personally, I wouldn't buy them from here. I have had tried Talpex type traps before and both lasted one week before jamming. They are now scrap metal. Incidentally, bith were bought from a UK site that claims to be run by a pro' mole trapper who uses the traps he sells.

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