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Help me catch in a match (IAPAIDKI)

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Bit of a dilemma, I've got to fish our clubs annual xmas match in a couple of weekends time and A) I've never fished a match and B) I only fish rivers and this is on a stocked pond.


Now all the other guys will be fishing poles, delicate rigs, and fine baits like casters whereas I will only have access to my specimen river stuff for roach such as my avon rod. So in order not to look like a complete numpty what would you recommend, the pond is stocked mainly with small carp and loads of rudd.


I know its just a fun match where everyone wins a prize regardless and money is raised for cancer relief but any suitable suggestions would be much appreciated.





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If there are a 'LOT' of Rudd then I would definitely go for them mate,but,feed another line for a big fish with waggler fished maggot over casters.I won a match in Wareham with nearly 9 lbs of Rudd that were about 40 to the pound just fishing with the top section of a waggler rod and single pinky while feeding a very small amount of pinkies making sure that there are a couple or three falling through the water all of the time.Where is the lake and how deep is it?



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depends on how "small" the carp are, as you probably know they are greedy feckers.

i'd think about maybe going with the method set up, you river gear is not a million miles away to start with, get yourself a few method feeders, decent groundait and hooks / hook length to suit.

you might find that your bumping fish off the hook if your test curve on the road is too stiff for float fishing...

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Obviously not knowing the fishery makes it difficult to give best advice but in all honesty I wouldn't target the Rudd, I match fish regularly and on a commercial your never going to compete with those catching carp if you target the silvers...bait is difficult and without knowing fishery rules its hard to advise on but I'd say fish down the edge " long rod style " using either meat over corn or pellets / paste ....:)

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Don't just feed and fish the one line mate, plumb carefully and feed on the ledge and another line on the drop off, feed another line in close along the bank ( this maybe the line to target the bigger fish, fish meat,corn or pellets on this line)... Don't chuck in loads at the start and wait, usually best in the winter to feed little and regular, if your used to rivers that should be the norm when fishing the stick or wag... Get your feeding right, make the fish compete and you should catch steadily...... Whatever have a good day and good luck mate

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Guest bullterrier

see if you can go and have a practice but to be honest with you if this was a open match you would be looked upon as poole fodder no disrespect to you but its a charity match just go and enjoy the day and have a laugh with your mates knowing your helping some one atb :thumbs: john

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