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Less than £200 mate, and yeah, probably well worth doing up. Arguably the best break barrel ever, alongside it's stable mates the hw35,95,90 and 98. I've had a couple of roughly 20 year old models, the first one should never have been sold on and you'll have to prise my current one out of my cold dead fingers. They tune up really well, very accurate work horse rifles that genuinely will stay with you for your entire shooting life if looked after with minimum maintenance (and believe me, mine gets minimum maintenance and maximum use lol)


Hope this helps, cheers, wurz

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We'd need a photo or two to assess a proper value aka-t50. But at your 7/10 estimate on condition, I'd say somewhere around bobbins for a fully shootable, functional if rust-pitted metals and battered, tatty stock. To £150 for an eminently restorable, surface-rusty rifle and tatty stock but with everything working and shooting accurately. If this is the first HW80 you've had, they are superbly tough and well made on the inside so, even the most abused can be brought back to shoot with superb accuracy. I love these German break barrels passionately! :icon_redface:


Does my bloody head in to see such fine rifles as Weihrauch and Air Arms left in a rusted-to-buggery, unlooked-after and bashed-up condition. Some people don't deserve them and some should never be allowed to so much as look at em ! :cray: :cray: :cray:


Edited to add.

For £30 you have a real gem under that muck and abuse. Spend decent money restoring it and you'll not be sorry!

Edited by pianoman
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I picked up my hw97k for 145 it was in pretty bad condition stock was chipped and bluing pitted quite bad they must of left it in the bag wet. But it has a venom buttoned piston and I knew I could redo the stock and get rid of some of the pitting I knew it was never going to be a show winner but its a good hunting rifle so I'm not tht bothered to be honest

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I picked up my hw97k for 145 it was in pretty bad condition stock was chipped and bluing pitted quite bad they must of left it in the bag wet. But it has a venom buttoned piston and I knew I could redo the stock and get rid of some of the pitting I knew it was never going to be a show winner but its a good hunting rifle so I'm not tht bothered to be honest

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