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small ferrets losing collars

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Just ignore my suggestions, after all what would I know about collars ..............

Maybe another bit of the fieldsports market you could break into! They would be quality!


Too small mate, I did try for a mate, but they were too fiddly and I ended up chucking it across the room ................... poor ferret lol.


The small dots of silicone work like those grippy gloves you get, have had it with lads dogs that slip collars in the past, and if a crazy pitbull can't get it off then a smelly little ferret ain't going to :laugh:

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On the inside of the collar, put some blobs of silicone sealant, let it dry and it will stop it slipping over her head :thumbs:

Does this give it a bit extra grip?


Yes mate, exactly that.

As above, it works like those gloves with the rubber dots on the palms.

Oh lol sorry didn't read that bit.

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I too use harnesses as years ago I once had to dig to a lost collar right in the bottom of an old hedge and it was a long tedious episode I didn't want to repeat. However, I do like the ideas of the silicone blobs and the putting the collars behind the front legs (thinking outside the box). With the harnesses I have never had a snag underground (and all my ferreting is deep down under very old hedgerows) and the ferrets don't appear do disturb the nets much more than when wearing a single collar. Also one thing I like about the harness is that if a ferret is boxed up for a long period or you have an unexpected longer lunch break then a swivel clip and lead on the back of the harness and they can be tied to a spade to stretch their legs.

Edited by chrismdd
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