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small ferrets losing collars

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Hi all,


I have a small jill that is a cracking worker, but the problem is she keeps shedding her collar. I have done it up as tight as I dare without strangling the poor thing but she still sheds it. I put the collar on her whilst she is in her run and when we have her out playing and she dosen't try and get rid, so it must be when she gets in snagged on a root or somthing that it comes off. My question is does anybody else have experience off this or perhaps a solution? I was thinking about attaching the transmitter to a full harness but I am worried that this may mean that she just gets caught up all the time. Anbody tried this solution?


Thanks in advance,



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i have this trouble with one of my jill's mate, its a mk3 collar.i had a 14 ft dig to get the collar last year, and a 4 ft just yesterday. i have to tighten it to last notch to keep it on, 2nd off last and its a gonner




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as already said ,put some extra holes in a leather strap and tighten right up ,ive found as long as you can twist the collar around and you cant pull the leather coller over the ferrets head ,then its ok .

dont be afraid of putting the coller on fairly tight ,then just give it the TUG TEST........simples.........jim

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Put some more holes in like has been said. I tighten it up so you can rotate it around their neck, but it can't be pulled over their head. What you have to remember, especially this time of year, is that their coat is thick so when you think it is tight, chances are its not

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Thanks for the suggestion foxdigger and saintsman. I have tried doing the obvious thing and doing the collars up real tight but she is so small that the collar still comes off. I am thinking the harness solution might be the best way though as I have seen ferrets get through some amazingly small holes once they have got their front legs through!

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